'Then you should try to appeal to me as well,' I mean, the reason why you have a problem with him being two-faced is bcuz he treats u differently, but treating u differently means he doesn't see u as he sees other ppl, meaning, u know, KUKUKU. ; D.fffff who is this kid laughing bcuz a guy sent another guy some flowers, b09 u best get yo ass outta here for u wanna get beat or something bcuz dat attitude damn well isn't allowed here konw i'm saying let's not make this a problem u hear me gons be laughing at Chiaki nah nah ; 'you are cute after all' honestly make up ur mind if you're gonna be blushing when he smiles after u say something, ; DED I MEAN, YOU DON'T HAVE TO START DATING SOMEONE WHEN U ACCIDENTALLY KISS WHEN YOU'RE DRUNK, YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING, IF U WANNA THN DAT'S NOT MA PROBLEM SINCE IT WAS CHIAKI WHO DID IT, BUT DAT'S S0Y DUMB IT'S HILARIOUS RN ; 0h yes go nd save ur man Mine, go feel ur warmth 'Mine has always been rly cute' mm u know it, BITES LIP S0Y HARD IT BURNS. / FUCK YES, jus le thing i wanna see, getting drunk, going home, nd waking up next to HIM when u sit up. *4 I mean if u can't figure out who kissed u the second time, then you're clueless as FUCK, especially since the person was literally in your bed the next day, ; 'cause you're too cute, you got to keep smiling' don't say he can't refuse though, he definitely can, d.f u are Mine.... you don't have to make a grill feel special, especially when u don't have the same feelins towards them, cuh u liek le D hehe ; DEED 'HOW CAN HE JUST CASUALLY CALL ANOTHER GUY CUTE IN A BUSY AREA' SAEM; 0H YES B09 PUSH HIM DOWN AND CLAIM YOUR MEAL ; jeesus for rl rn gons be 'taking responsibility' on the wrong person d.f u doing gons make Chiaki jealous man, but nah Inoue you're not getting any dat Chiaki ass soon either, u thought / 'I don't like it when he's with him, "I THINK"' bitch.... ; DED FUCK TH0SE FANGIRLS IN THE BACK = ME THOUGH ; 0H YES B09 DRAG HIS EXISTENCE INTO YOUR JEALOUSY AND REALIZE YOUR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER BCUZ YOU'RE BOTH FRUSTRATED WITH EACH OTHER ND IT'LL TURN INTO THE GOOD STUFF ; ATTRACT MINE'S ATTENTION, 'THE ONE I WAS TRYING TO ATTRACT WAS YOU' LIICK 'THE ONE YOU NEED TO TAKE RESPOSIBILITY FOR IS ME' U G0T DAT RITE / 'It's your fault for sayiing something adorable' ye u pin him against dat wall nd fuck him up, fuck it up, fuck it up ; AWAW CHIAKI GETTING FLUSTERED WHEN MINE SEES HIM WITHOUT A SHIRT ON, FUCKING PRECIOUS ; C: YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT WITH ME' M: ARE YOU 0K WITH BEING THE BOTTOM?' FUCKING LOVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP U DON'T UNDERSTAND. 0G STOP MA HEART, 'I'M SAYING I WANNA DEVOUR YOU' FUCKING FUCK FUCK, GO HAVE YOUR DINNNER!!! Who would've thought a drunken kiss would end like this? MINE X CHIAKI
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