P: In the distant future, a new life form called Houseki (gems) are born. The 28 Houseki must fight against the moon dwellers who want to attack them and turn them into decorations, thus each gem is assigned a role such as a fighter or a medic. Though she hopes to fight the moon dwellers, Phos is a gem who is given no assignment until the gems' master Adamantine asks her to edit a natural history magazine.
O: This is amazing. So underrated. Started reading this years ago. This is kinda depressing, I feel so bad for Phos. She just wants to help, but the gems with Adamant don't understand. She keeps losing more and more of her original bright self, and seems to be turning into a monster. C78 - :( this is when Phos becomes a monster.. C84 - what has Phos become... C93 - omfg she doesn't even recognise her past self??? TT C94 - wtf is Master really gone?! C95 - WTF WHAT ABOUT PHOS AND THEIR HAPPINESS!!! C98 - omg is this how it all ends.. it feels a bit underwhelming tbh I didn't know what to expect. Ngl I lost interest later, but this was overall a good read.
Houseki no Kuni