02-08-17 | Nakamura Asumiko | 2008 | completed
P: Takezou, wearing rose perfume belonging to his brother's wife, sneaks into Shinobu's bedroom. Invisible to Shinobu, he caresses his brother's body. Shinobu is afraid of Takezou, and discovers he’s definitely related to Takezou. He then commits suicide and leaves a letter to his wife, which is later given to Takezou, and on the last line Shinobu admits that he was in love with Takezou.
O: Interesting to see how Shinobu can maintain his stiffness normally but when he blindfolds himself, he lets himself be aroused by Takezou. Btw wtf Shinobu’s son is so girly looking and a weirdo (watching his uncle and dad do ’it’ and even participate the second time..) Messed up, dark and tragedy ending.
The Inheritance of Aroma