P: In the distant future, ordinary teacher Yoshino learns that he is a "donor" for the strongest species, the "ikigami." These warriors are tasked with protecting the country. "The unique ability of a donor is to use their bodily fluids to heal ikigami." Yoshino learns this fact and is shocked. Thus, Yoshino is forced to live with Kidou... At first, he is like a beast, demanding Yoshino's bodily fluids, but slowly, the underlying loneliness begins to show...
O: From what I'm seeing from the first few chapters Kidou is an *sshole (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Ahh nvm we get to understand why he's cold at first... This was an ok read - I didn't really experience any feels tho even though there were some sad moments. On a side-note, shounen-ai my ass, this is a yaoi 100% -_- I came in here not expecting "action" even though this was about body fluids lol. I couldn't really get Kidou's sudden change in personality though... I can't bring myself to like him tbh. They just seemed to like each other suddenly.
Ikigami to Donor