Okusama wa Alpha
It was cheating for sure but I can forgive it because he’s an idiot who didn’t think it was cheating.. plus if anything I blame the doctor for forcing it on him. I can’t say I 100% forgive the mom but she was doing what she thought was best (which is wrong but ok) also let’s not forget this was an arranged marriage y’all. Ofc the omega is gonna think of cheating he was a playboy. Not only that he wasn’t emotionally attached to his partner yet and didn’t see that what he was doing was affecting the husband. Anyways at the end of the day this was a cute story and I loved it. The ending it adorable and there was a lot of development between the couple which is just
Encirclement Love
Tokyo M-Mesu Hard-Boiled
The Partnership Ends Today
Unmei no Tsugai ga Omae da Nante
Rifujinna Fetish
Says completed but I’m 99% sure it’s not
Kizuato ni Kuchizuke