I didn’t realize the seme was this soft.. it’s adorable I love him. This couple was so cute (and we got to see Yuri x Jaerim xxx scene. Also the president telling them which condom was best lolzz)
Someone else's BL Manhwa
This was a really good read. It was interesting how the main character wasn’t part of the main couple and I really liked that the author did something different than your typical bl story the characters all developed slowly but noticeably which was pretty cool and I really liked all the couples except for the perv. I’m sad he didn’t get what he deserved but i don’t think he did anything but still sending THOSE pics to a ms is too much for me to want to forgive. The main couple was adorable and the second couple was even more adorable. I didn’t like the Mac at first but I understand why he was the way he was and it’s okay
Save Me
Blood Link
All three couples were adorable. The ending of the third couple s bittersweet since the elder is gonna live on while his mate (ino) is deceased and ughhh I just wish ino got bitten maaannnn And I was so sad to find out jinso (goks bsf/childhood friend) died in a car accident :( other than the sad ending for them the stories were all interesting and fun to Read, all three couples won me over
He Guanyu & Xu Xingchen
Never Understand