Gyangu no Kai-kata
SO GOOD HAVE TO REREAD the scenes were
Spilt Milk (Dotsuco)
It was good and I liked it but that first chapter….. it was kinda hard to keep going but igzzz.. It’s just the fact that the seme had his men sexually harass and almost kill I get that they’re yakuza so they’re tough with punishments and all but idk I felt like a lot was missing
Blood Link
All three couples were adorable. The ending of the third couple s bittersweet since the elder is gonna live on while his mate (ino) is deceased and ughhh I just wish ino got bitten maaannnn And I was so sad to find out jinso (goks bsf/childhood friend) died in a car accident :( other than the sad ending for them the stories were all interesting and fun to Read, all three couples won me over
Mobius Strip
This has so much potential for a second volume. I want to know more about the uke and his brother (if that was even true) but I found it pretty interesting A lot of people hate the uke and I can see why I lowkey don’t like him either but he was so much potential character development. I wish we saw more of him being jealous. What the other guy was telling him (that their relationship was toxic) I want to learn more about that and idk this story was really good and I hope there’s more about them soon
Ii Ko ni Dekitara Hometekure
This was sooooo good I liked it a lot and it was a little off but it was still really good. The uke is so fkn adorable I love him Might reread BCS I rushed through this one a bit
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