Free in Dreams
110 why did the updates get so slow he's lit changing but love cures all is whack 103 he's legit a crazy psychopath and she had an abusive household/was bullied he was bullied too but he lit became crazyyyyy but he's so hot the red flags seem green and mc also think she got green paint on her and ngl since it's her world she rlly do be "saving" him he saved her too ngl i thought they were both crazy at first but after the bullying for mc stopped he the only crazy one lmfao he clingy af too but she like that a lot A LOT his best quality tho is that he is literally always there for her her good quality is that she always tries to live with her moral compass and do what she believes is good in the world to not subject ppl to the same trauma its all very reasonable and did i say my mans was hot? he's HOTTTT "Damn I'm ready for that sexy man in the pajamas everyone in this manga needs a nap though with they racoons ass eye bags" my stomach omfggggggggg
PLACEBO: Let's Play
58 honestly the ending wasnt as bad or unfinished as i thought it would be (altho my expectations were indeed dimmed since i knew it was ending) it was obvious the hyung would never leave the lil bro's clutches he chose this and it's clear he remembers and chooses him it's the same ending as the first season but less exciting i would say the first season ended with so much more pizzaz 57 ofc every problem is solved by kidnapping / stabbing 56 wtf someone said its completed in two more ch wtffffff the author just gave up and said f this shiz 55 NAW HE SAID WHATS WEIRD WITH EFFING UR BROTHER IM DEADDD "this manhwa is so unhinged" i love it 54 manipulation is back 53 lmao he knows he crazy "Like there's no way he'll just end up getting everything he wants without even a little suffering?? Like the fucked up shit he did all go poof and they go happily ever after?!?! " 52 the best time of the story resumes the sex 51 oop the ex dont remember 50 "Nah even the author is tryna manipulate us now wtf " 49 "how can a manipulative little shit can look soooo innocent " 47 "He literally doing domain expansion" 45 "Why is the ML so damn OP? How tf is going around hypnotizing everyone" 44 this man scurry 43 UH OH THE PSYCHO SAW THEM KISSING 42 LMAOOO "Getting caught having sex with your STEP BROTHER and in a PUBLIC BATHROOM at that by the very person you like is absolutely livid " "I don't know about you guys but this webtoon is my weekly laughing material like I can't even put on words how much entertainment this gives me lmfao it has all the crazy shit a bl webtoon can have plus great art lol" 41 lol he gonna run back to his bro 36 lmaoo someone said the way he stomped out was ridic lmaooo trueee "Is definitely gonna turn out to also be a psycho isn't he... The alternate crushes are always just as crazy as the crazy top..." 35 lmaoo not us all being on the same page it's hot so we stay we werent here for the plot anyway its just pwp 31 lol everyone talkin bout the dinner scene that was something 30 the manipulation and gaslighting is crazy girlboss levels 29 huh what did he lie about 28 NAW NOT THE S1 FINALE ENDING LIKE THAT OMFGGG now it can go the ml is crazy route or mc is just as crazy route the prequel went mc is just as crazy with only a smile tho it was short i think it's going that route ngl
A Tree Without Roots
49 i just dont understand why does he feel so guilty why so guilty as to raise this poor boy he was a young kid himself he had no fault in any of this in fact he contributed way too much already 48 right on the money 47 oo i think that someone was right 46 ooo someone said the murderer is black hair's mother OOOOO 44 dundundun more plot mystery i lowkey forgot bout lmao ml eyes are pretty 43 the past is kinda cute despite all the noncon but then u know it's all going to come crashing down from the first chapter the ml honestly has NO reason to keep seeing this boy he's too kind for his own good mc is HELLA obsessive and uses his pity to keep him tied down "When u start thinking that things might get better then remember ch 1.."
The King of Home Cooking
73 + side 8 we LOVE ourselves a clingy PINING ml with a hint of enemies to lover like he was OBSESSED with our mc but not in a crazy way tbh it was possessive tho mc was so FUNNY lmao i love love loved his ego no self deprecation here he knows he looks good and is charming and is actually both frfr he was able to snag two guys on a show he was on for like 6 months i usually dont like love triangles but this one did it pretty well it was crazy how much ml was rebuffed and still came back to mc tho he a stronger man than me no cap a review said this was a psychological webtoon and it really was there was a large depth to our main character and our side characters as well the side characters were also distinguishable and garnered a sort of affection before the webtoon ended i liked this a lot only gripe is that the sex scenes were "behind the door" aka lowkey hidden everyone is so petty too lmao gets me weakkk i punch u imma punch u back harderrr u stayed out late? imma stay out laterrr i thought from the ending that the side stories would be about the side couple im glad it was just about the main couple uwu they are POSSESSIVE
Popping Candy
57 IM DONE the author can never make me like this man 55 he look psycho in that last panel ngl 54 arf arf arf arf 53 someone said they hated it too but kept reading and im like right like it was so agg but i kept reading 52 DOWN BADDDDDD 50 omfg he called him pretty trash this is the most backbone ive ever seen from mc but its true i keep reading cuz its pretty trash lmfaoooo 49 i was glad for a second one second in the last ch when he decided to at least stop chasing and wait but here we go again chasing 47 dog went for a run 46 UGH A DOG THAT'S OK WITH TABLESCRAPS THAT'S ALL HE IS WHY DO I TORTURE MYSELF 45 the what are we question AGAIN AGAINNNNNNN im so doneee 44 the bare minimum and he's headdd over heels granted it's true ive never been bored always some drama 43 simp 42 was good ml acted mostly right and mc was finally not blind to the jealousy 41 it took 41 ch for the dog in him to stop being trampled on still no apology tho not nuff groveling for me "did the top even tell him why he decided to broke up w him in the first place? i need the top chasing after heewong and at least say sorry.." 40 waw they did it again better this time my man is still a goddamn doormat just the slightest bit of affection and he bends over backwards 39 they finally did the deed kinda underwhelming tbh 38 wow we almost got switch "Unless we get thousands of chapters of Hyung chasing him back or showering him with constant love and maybe getting jealous, then this is not worth it. Idgaf about the tops trauma either. That's still no excuse for breaking the hearts of people you date after leading them on and expecting them to chase after you to test the extent of their feelings." 37 finally he's even a woof woof in bed too goddamn 36 he's down soooo bad i cryyyy "the way he teleported to his lap" 35 finally omfg 34 i cri pls stand up my bby 33 u can't understand our cute mc bc UR GARBAGE 32 it's not getting better TT^TT "pls bro it’s time to stop being pathetic" 31 that was really bold goddamn mc just turned it up a billion notches omfg he went hardddd flirty mdf and he was surprisingly perceptive THIS is the mc we been waiting for go hard or go home!!! 30 ml is really just stringing him along LET HIM GOOOO 29 i cannot he's such a doormat and what kinda aim he only got paint on ONE person wtf 28 sigh 27 UGH SECOND HAND EMBARASSMENT 26 mc is so delulu but lowkey from his pov he aint ml be staring at him too BUT OK DOESNT MEAN U SHOULD TRY TO SEDUCE THE MAN WHO HAS A FIANCE WHO ALSO DUMPED U AFTER A WEEK he's trash 25 black hair lit just wants someone to chase him this aint the way to do it "The amount of second hand embarrassment I have reading this is unfathomable, could never be this desperate for someone. " 23 ugh second hand embarassment all the goddamn begging move ON 22 its not u babyboy its him and his trauma i wouldnt even count the same day breakup frfr 21 bro that was so fast i knew the breakup was coming but not THAT SOON so out of the blue im blindsided like mc goddamn and I KNEW right after the first kiss too 20 19 spoiled by the spoilers my excitement gone 18 still cute as of now tho sigh but now its tainted by what i know i had free bonus coins on tapas ok i had to buy it LMAOOO 17 sigh the raw reading heroes have come forward black haired guy is the seme and is ofc a mdf asshole until AT LEAST CHAPTER 50 stop buying this sigh "Seme is an asshole is all I can say. Seme as in Hongyun, not our golden retriever. I read the raws, I didn't understand y he played uke or wat they were saying. But Hongyun is playing him rn. I dunno if he genuinely ended up liking him during their relationship or if dats later on when uke keeps on pinning for him even after their break up n finding out he rlly was playing him like his friend said. Anyway Seme seems to have a trauma or something. Something about being abused by a maid when he was a child I think. Da only things I'm sure about is dat seme is an asshole, he ghosts and treats da uke like shit after they break up, uke still follows him after dat, seme was abused (dunno if it's physical or mental) by a maid in his house ever since he was a child. According to da comments seme doesn't come back to uke out of regret for wat he did but cuz uke was just RLLY straight forward and followed him around after da breakup, take dat with a grain of salt though. I don't rlly know if he will regret da stuff he did or not, at least from reading the raws without knowing wat they're saying it seems dat way n da comments say da same." 16 on tapas with my own cha ching omg omg omg that was such a cute confession moment but yeah it did seem too easy there's an egging feeling in the back of my mind like is what the friend said really true he is extremely possessive ml praying for our golden retriever mc 15 ml is possessive afffff and he aint even tryna hide it he's def giving black cat vibes and also im getting BIG nevertheless vibes from this like mc knows ml is a bad boy everyone is saying it and he's like nevertheless, imma go for it but LMAO IM AN IMPATIENT MDF I WENT AHEAD AND BOUGHT CHAPTERS 6-15 (ACCIDENTALLY BOUGHT CH 7 TWICE BC WHO KNEW THERE WAS A MATURE VERSION (WASNT WORTH IT), I BOUGHT THE EXPENSIVE MATURE VERSION CUZ I DIDNT KNOW BOUT 1TAP MATURE VERSION ON MOBILE (360 VS 450 AND I DID IT TWICE), AND I BOUGHT CHAPTER 4 EVEN THO I ALREADY READ IT CUZ THE BONUS WAS GONNA EXPIRE TAPAS GOT ME REAL GOOD FU TAPAS) 5 NOOO ITS OVER ALREADY THIS IS SO CUTE MC IS SUCH A GOLDEN RETRIEVER ML BLACK CAT ENERGYYYY
Park Hanhoo's Manager
75 + side 1 end omg that was really good i enjoyed it until the very end the buildup and payoff was perfect i love how this story introduced a premise and always always always delivered foreshadowing was perfect too the mystery was so good always kept me on my toes i love a story that clearly had thought put into the beginning middle and end hanhoo the ml is a little too perfect but his personality is quite unique with just how much of an gargantuan ego he has but he embraced it and did communicate his feelings well and im a sucker for men who wait and goddamn did he wait not just wait he went looking for our mc plus mc was also a new personality with his penchant for helping others and it was very well backed up by his past and his actions i loved this story so much it got a lil childhood friends plus a lil time skip so so so good their personalities meshed so well together their banter was so cute and i love how the author built their relationship slowly and the flashbacks were nonexistent she showed us everything first and then reminded us but no flashbacks i cant stand extended flashbacks where we deepdive in the past for multiple chapters we were always in the present thank god and the best part was that this story was complete i cant believe i didnt find this sooner i was hooked since the beginning one of the best ive read in a long time especially for bl
Yandere Killing!! ~When I told my obsessive childhood friend, "I love you too," he shifted to the romantic comedy route~
33 nah i still dont like him 32 u like him clearly but still not the way to treat someone u like my poor mc went thru so much bullying betrayal from his lover (supposed) and his family the system anxiety meds my poor boy 30 he never listens why i read this shiz 29 the bar is in HELL "Lawd this had so much potential he just could have been an asshole instead of a rapist asshole" 28 he KNEW he didnt enjoy it last time they had sex and yet he continued?!??!?!? "“try to enjoy it this time” stop being an ass. Like why does he make it sound like it’s MC’s fault that he’s not good at sex it’s so annoying. He didn’t enjoy it last time cause you suck, ever thought of that? I want ML to be humbled so badly." this exaclty im waiting for tears arc chasing arc u lost it all arc 27 it was only a year?!??! freshman year?!?!??! 26 he's so obsessed looking back i get it ur first love literally disappeared off the face of the earth without saying a word to you so now u have a trauma about that and now that he's back you dont wanna let him out of your sight but u still treat him like shit so u deserve it keep chasing mdf wait wtf the comments said the old man is love interest number two nawww he lit saw him grow up this author tf u smoking 25 "everytime someone pulls the “if you hate it, why are you hard?” thing the closer i get to slitting" 24 "God I hate that son of a bitch, going in without proper prep is just plain cruel and disrespectful to your partner" "why do the hottest men always have the most toxic traits " "ah i'm good with this one. I drop it . Authors have to realise that the new generation tend to fetishes less rape than before ( finally...) and will loose their audience if they continue. Sometimes, rape in a story can be 'useful' for the plot, character development, backstory ect. But Rape is Never necessary when you built a romantic relationship" 23 my poor baby he's an evil man "Y’all … doesn’t the ml like the mc.. why is he treating him like one of his hoes" but also true "I’m not gon hold u. But u literally brought him out from a sex dungeon with ppl doing drugs/extreme BDSM.. what were u expecting good sir " 22 my poor baby but "And further more if it were me I would have left and let him stay. Because you thought you were gonna ruffle my feathers. WRONG! Stay, you've been doing this long before I came anyways. Why should I care. Give him the car keys and catch a taxi home. He better make sure he's up and ready for work when I come. Go do your thing play boy. That's how the damn chapter should have went. Talk about a FUCKING twist, cuz I'm tired of these weak as MCs who let these weak as ML manipulate them. Let's bring something new to the yaoi genre PLEASEEE! Cuz its giving, "ya like to be played...dummy!" "I can imagine the editor. "Oh boy the readers are going to get lit up with this chapter" Boy we sure did. Listen, is the blonde ML fucked up? yes. No doubt. I don't think he is a bad guy though. At least not yet. I get the backbone comment and honestly agree with it. The MC never faced the ML in the past, never talked the shit out and just left. The MC just needs to walk the fuck out and then would be enough backbone. The MC is a wish-washy MFer who can't face his feelings or preferences. "Can't you just use me... " Like WTF. Yes, he will if you let him. I don't even think this is what the ML is looking for though. If anything, they both need clarification and closure from their childhood ordeal. I don't know who the 3rd person was in their relationship when they were younger, but that is the TRUE chaotic MFer. This is a sour love story from their childhood into adulthood. That shit never goes well unless they air it ALL out. How many chapters is that going to take.. who knows. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧" 21 hear hear "Grow a backbone" NOW THAT'S RICH COMING FROM THAT ASSHOLE He's the one who's manipulating Yeongwoon and takes advantage of his past feelings for him and his kindness in general. He's complaining that Yeongwoon gives in too easily and then draws a line while he clearly pushed himself onto him in the first place and guilt tripped him into doing stuff again....then he gets mad that Yeongwoon declines. Who is he really mad at? Yeongwoon or himself for becoming someone Yeongwoon would rather stay away from....the nerve" 20 NAW HE RLLY DID NOT JUST SAY "how dare u use what i taught u (kissing) on someone else" THATS RICH COMING FROM THE MAN WHO SLEEPS WITH EVERYONE OMFG HOW DARE U COME FOR MC LIKE THAT AND U SENT THE RAPIST SPONSOR TO THE OTHER GUY'S HOUSE??? NAH ML SUCKS HE'S SO BAD "I genuinely feel bad for Yungwoon and Haeyool.. Seo-in is so manipulative to both of them. I really hope something happens to that jackass and makes him learn to treat people better/ both Yungwoon and Haeyool end up having good things come to them " "Seoin is so fucking annoying as a character. Giving the vibes of an edgelord, glaring at youngwoon like from the shadows or something, ALWAYS being mad at him for one thing or another. Piss the fuck off, please. Haeyool too is the clingy guy suffering from second male lead syndrome so his ass is forgiven. But Seoin?? He is NOT a red flag, he's the entire communist parade." 19 i feel so bad for haeyool mc tho is so so kind i would fall for him too "bro is building his own harem of mentally unstable yet ethereal specimen" "damn all my man wanted to do was eat literally" 18 ml is so good looking but such an ASS he never listens to mc "he said all that about consent just to cause the mc to feel guilty for hitting/depriving him, making him let the ml fuck his thighs..... that's some nefarious manipulation right there" 17 someone said his backstory for acting like a jerk is so weak and i goddamn AGREE its WEAK mc is wayyyyy too good for him it is interesting but so many red flags "Hes so insane for dreaming that. So glad the bottom knows how to fight. Pls dont let anything happen to him my god"
Dead man Switch
40 oof new trans is so bad just wait i reread 37 and remembered why i hated this rapist 39 end we knew this whole time homie u finally figured it out? 38 ml has 0 redeeming qualities he never listens to the mc despite saying he will and he has the personality of a rock and that's insulting to the rock he just hits things he's violent and obsessive and even towards the mc he's a terrible person and that might be because he had to repeat the same process a billion times but still just tell him let him know what's going on at this point he can know rather than just blowing up on him and saying nothing just making him more confused and CURIOUS
I Tamed My Ex-Husband's Mad Dog