Hyuuu's manga / #noncon(64)

Dead man Switch

Ongoing | Coinmint , Eise | 2019 released
2024-03-08 06:03 marked

40 oof new trans is so bad just wait i reread 37 and remembered why i hated this rapist 39 end we knew this whole time homie u finally figured it out? 38 ml has 0 redeeming qualities he never listens to the mc despite saying he will and he has the personality of a rock and that's insulting to the rock he just hits things he's violent and obsessive and even towards the mc he's a terrible person and that might be because he had to repeat the same process a billion times but still just tell him let him know what's going on at this point he can know rather than just blowing up on him and saying nothing just making him more confused and CURIOUS

Flower of the Sun

Ongoing | Harvey | 2000 released
2024-03-08 08:48 marked

season 2 ch 59 + side story 2 wow even the side story is sad I BINGED ALL OF IT UP UNTIL SEASON 2 I THOUGHT IT WAS OVER NO BUT AT LEAST THE BIGGEST PAIN PART IS OVER ITS TIME FOR REVENGE ZIG WAS WEAK HE DID WHAT HE COULD BUT NOW HE HAS SOME POWER AND i love how he is so gutsy people say he has no personality but being brave and courageous is a personality he works his hardest whilst not sacrificing his morals and constantly fights for what is right he is perceptive to others and can treat others well the ml is also self sacrificing to a fault he wants to protect everyone and thus ends up protecting no one adding to his feeling of being trapped thank the lord its not from his pov i would feel so much second hand pain at least zig gives me hope and the prince i must admit is a good villain u HATE HIS GUTS and it will be satisfying to see his end i wish this story wasnt full of rape but its integral to the story the author wished to tell

Sura's Lover

Complete | Shin yuri | 2019 released
2024-03-10 14:54 marked

18 goddamn he got raped by his lover almost raped by a stranger and literally raped by another psycho his whole doctor association got murdered by his lover everywhere he goes his lover murders someone mc is so tragic i cant finish this and thank god ppl said the ending sucks pity and it gets slow in the middle i was starting to feel it ya read more spoilers so glad i stopped lmfao the ending is horror "This is a terrible story, sex scenes great top notch. But the storytelling it's self is so bad. The pacing goes from hare to tortoise. The beginning fire, one of the most interesting starts to a story you can get. The middle is so slow you would consider dropping it, because there is so much unnecessary stuff. The pacing at the end is so fast that you miss so many details that you have to re-read it.Would love to have seen more of mujins back story, I think we got like 5 chapters of. And there's gonna be one side story."

Can't Think Straight

Ongoing | Pangin, Hudadak | 2000 released
2024-12-01 07:42 marked

54 it's been 54 chapters and my man ml still has not listened to a SINGLE word that has come out of our mc's mouth omfg i do like how mc stands up for himself and calls him out but why does he keep giving in he's literally stalked u sa'd u my god but idk why despite all of this the ml is endearing idk perhaps cuz its mostly from his pov now and cuz he is literally trying so hard its sending such a bad msg but hello fiction thank god its fiction

Yonin no Nibiiro

Ongoing | Akabeko,akabeko | 2018 released
2024-04-07 21:52 marked
Tags: rape noncon angst

15.5 this was some MESSED UP shit i can only read one of these a year goddamn everything ended happily all things granted like damn everyone was raped except our honeybooboo yu i would say mc but he was barely shown it was mostly bout the goddamn brothers it took a normie to break everyone out of their self imprisonment just do whatever tf u want he says and manifest destiny made it come true


Ongoing | Won Lideu,Taegun | 2023 released
2024-04-14 06:24 marked

24 this is torture porn aint nothing he can do to redeem himself the mc is scared for his life every fricking single day and night and the violence is legit scary i feel so bad for him i was hoping anything something would change no 24 ch of pure torture "He blocks the card so he can’t buy food…wonders why he hasn’t eaten…then says you’ve been through so much…but has been slapping him left right and centre and is the cause of most of his current woes. Make it make SOME sense???" "if i were him, i would've already died i would jump into the nearest bridge i swear " "Oh no, he's developing the "why is he talking care of me?" Aka Stockholm syndrome. I don't blame him tho...Unfortunately, if you get tortured throughout your life and suddenly a little bit of kindness is shown, you tend to grasp that slight of kindness with your life "


Ongoing | Gangto | 2000 released
2024-02-15 11:11 marked

33 nah i still dont like him 32 u like him clearly but still not the way to treat someone u like my poor mc went thru so much bullying betrayal from his lover (supposed) and his family the system anxiety meds my poor boy 30 he never listens why i read this shiz 29 the bar is in HELL "Lawd this had so much potential he just could have been an asshole instead of a rapist asshole" 28 he KNEW he didnt enjoy it last time they had sex and yet he continued?!??!?!? "“try to enjoy it this time” stop being an ass. Like why does he make it sound like it’s MC’s fault that he’s not good at sex it’s so annoying. He didn’t enjoy it last time cause you suck, ever thought of that? I want ML to be humbled so badly." this exaclty im waiting for tears arc chasing arc u lost it all arc 27 it was only a year?!??! freshman year?!?!??! 26 he's so obsessed looking back i get it ur first love literally disappeared off the face of the earth without saying a word to you so now u have a trauma about that and now that he's back you dont wanna let him out of your sight but u still treat him like shit so u deserve it keep chasing mdf wait wtf the comments said the old man is love interest number two nawww he lit saw him grow up this author tf u smoking 25 "everytime someone pulls the “if you hate it, why are you hard?” thing the closer i get to slitting" 24 "God I hate that son of a bitch, going in without proper prep is just plain cruel and disrespectful to your partner" "why do the hottest men always have the most toxic traits " "ah i'm good with this one. I drop it . Authors have to realise that the new generation tend to fetishes less rape than before ( finally...) and will loose their audience if they continue. Sometimes, rape in a story can be 'useful' for the plot, character development, backstory ect. But Rape is Never necessary when you built a romantic relationship" 23 my poor baby he's an evil man "Y’all … doesn’t the ml like the mc.. why is he treating him like one of his hoes" but also true "I’m not gon hold u. But u literally brought him out from a sex dungeon with ppl doing drugs/extreme BDSM.. what were u expecting good sir " 22 my poor baby but "And further more if it were me I would have left and let him stay. Because you thought you were gonna ruffle my feathers. WRONG! Stay, you've been doing this long before I came anyways. Why should I care. Give him the car keys and catch a taxi home. He better make sure he's up and ready for work when I come. Go do your thing play boy. That's how the damn chapter should have went. Talk about a FUCKING twist, cuz I'm tired of these weak as MCs who let these weak as ML manipulate them. Let's bring something new to the yaoi genre PLEASEEE! Cuz its giving, "ya like to be played...dummy!" "I can imagine the editor. "Oh boy the readers are going to get lit up with this chapter" Boy we sure did. Listen, is the blonde ML fucked up? yes. No doubt. I don't think he is a bad guy though. At least not yet. I get the backbone comment and honestly agree with it. The MC never faced the ML in the past, never talked the shit out and just left. The MC just needs to walk the fuck out and then would be enough backbone. The MC is a wish-washy MFer who can't face his feelings or preferences. "Can't you just use me... " Like WTF. Yes, he will if you let him. I don't even think this is what the ML is looking for though. If anything, they both need clarification and closure from their childhood ordeal. I don't know who the 3rd person was in their relationship when they were younger, but that is the TRUE chaotic MFer. This is a sour love story from their childhood into adulthood. That shit never goes well unless they air it ALL out. How many chapters is that going to take.. who knows. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧" 21 hear hear "Grow a backbone" NOW THAT'S RICH COMING FROM THAT ASSHOLE He's the one who's manipulating Yeongwoon and takes advantage of his past feelings for him and his kindness in general. He's complaining that Yeongwoon gives in too easily and then draws a line while he clearly pushed himself onto him in the first place and guilt tripped him into doing stuff again....then he gets mad that Yeongwoon declines. Who is he really mad at? Yeongwoon or himself for becoming someone Yeongwoon would rather stay away from....the nerve" 20 NAW HE RLLY DID NOT JUST SAY "how dare u use what i taught u (kissing) on someone else" THATS RICH COMING FROM THE MAN WHO SLEEPS WITH EVERYONE OMFG HOW DARE U COME FOR MC LIKE THAT AND U SENT THE RAPIST SPONSOR TO THE OTHER GUY'S HOUSE??? NAH ML SUCKS HE'S SO BAD "I genuinely feel bad for Yungwoon and Haeyool.. Seo-in is so manipulative to both of them. I really hope something happens to that jackass and makes him learn to treat people better/ both Yungwoon and Haeyool end up having good things come to them " "Seoin is so fucking annoying as a character. Giving the vibes of an edgelord, glaring at youngwoon like from the shadows or something, ALWAYS being mad at him for one thing or another. Piss the fuck off, please. Haeyool too is the clingy guy suffering from second male lead syndrome so his ass is forgiven. But Seoin?? He is NOT a red flag, he's the entire communist parade." 19 i feel so bad for haeyool mc tho is so so kind i would fall for him too "bro is building his own harem of mentally unstable yet ethereal specimen" "damn all my man wanted to do was eat literally" 18 ml is so good looking but such an ASS he never listens to mc "he said all that about consent just to cause the mc to feel guilty for hitting/depriving him, making him let the ml fuck his thighs..... that's some nefarious manipulation right there" 17 someone said his backstory for acting like a jerk is so weak and i goddamn AGREE its WEAK mc is wayyyyy too good for him it is interesting but so many red flags "Hes so insane for dreaming that. So glad the bottom knows how to fight. Pls dont let anything happen to him my god"

Lost Things

Ongoing | Kira,Kimpa | 2019 released
2024-04-27 16:20 marked

32 woww it rlly ended like that its true tho the rich never get what they deserve and life goes on as normal dayum every person messed up tho its true tho he chose to kill himself he knew his gf liked his brother but her going crazy as a prostitute for a bit the motivation doesnt make as much sense since it was originally for revenge but if u spin it back as for psychological cry for help then yeah that makes sense i guess all the men in this story legitimately suck all they want is sex "I know she be using gorilla glue for that wig" lmaooo "Wow I didn't fully grasp the magnitude of that text part mentioned in story thanks. Yes she texted her man accidentally while meaning to text his brother saying she felt guilty about their affair. So all her actions were to try to alleviate and atone for her guilt, to find a reason outside of her for his death. In the end she didn't find one but succeeded is disrupting multiple people's lives." this was a really really good review: "I wouldn't call her evil, I'd say she needs serious physiological help. This woman clearly lacked self love. Had abusive parents so wasn't taught human decency. She liked her classmates older brother he seems charming to her. His brother was her first love and sexual experience but like her parents he didn't love nor care for her. That didn't erase her longing for affection, the warmth he gave her was the closest thing to love she ever experienced. She got close to her classmate out of that longing for his brother hoping to see him again. A toxic trait people with trauma of exhibit. After feeling lifeless and distraught from discovering the only man she longed for years didn't feel the same way, his younger brother came along like an angel and showed her true pure affection and care. He treated her preciously. That was something that felt foreign to her, she felt unworthy of being treated preciously. She thought of herself as trash, being mistreated felt more comfortable and familiar. She wanted to see herself through his eyes, she didn't love him yet but she wanted to, having someone treat you like you're their world was refreshing. Her heart could have opened up to him. Self sabotage is a defense mechanism that hinders a person from making sound life decisions His older brother preyed on her low self-esteem and self hatred. He knew he had a power over her and wield it well. Knowing that you're the reason for the only man who ever genuinely loved and treated you like a person died because of your actions adds to that self hatred. Her body was never treated sacredly, the trash older brother was her first experience and only experience until his younger brother died. Becoming a prostitute was easier than facing her emotional scars. Sex addiction distracts the mind temporarily, many people with trauma have such an addiction. She can't handle being treated with basic decency human, it makes her uncomfortable.Knowing there were other destructive people made her feel a bit better. Telling herself she'll get revenge was a means to stop herself from committing suicide right along with the man who loved her. It gave her the strength and motivation to move forward. She was a very sad and lonely person, she even paid people to pretend to be her family and friends. A person like her living in general is already hell since nothing in her life isn't a lie."

Metropolitan Nepenthes

Ongoing | Lemon | 2022 released
2024-05-29 00:29 marked

side 1 still rape vibes everything is risk assessment which option will hurt me less and thats so sad 26 LMAOO IM WITH THE UPLOADER THIS WAS ALL RAPE EVEN FROM HIS SUPPOSED BOYFRIEND JUST TERRIBLE ALL AROUND I TRUSTED THE PREMISE TOO MUCH

How to Be the Chosen One

Ongoing | Face park | 2019 released
2024-05-29 07:36 marked

81 s3 for once the v guy's obsessive religion sounds protective and not perverse side 5 risa and karl are hilarious i cannot believe the king left his nation that is WILD 79 season 2 finale wow plot is plotting this is some good plot got me interested 41 wow season 1 ended really well he truly has the gift of gab i can see how meticulously this was planned out to depict the priest and king slowly switching their view on the mc's divinity and also revealing their true colors as time passes we can tell clearly that mc favors the king and also cannot turn a blind eye to the people he does care about helping them while getting off at the same time the rape from the priest was not nice to see but did strongly depict him as the villain and the line about the act being a show of his chastity and piety was quite the line mc really is a force to be reckoned with it's such a novel story for bl reincarnation harem i really like it