Hyuuu's manga / #noncon(64)

Rix Vanus

Ongoing | Chanseong | 2000 released
2020-10-28 08:52 marked

107 106 rip nuah gon be sad 103 poor rix even his mom kept him in the fudging dark 102 AW HE comin for the cutie ok this got better no drop no more dubcon it switched 180 to slice of life nuah and rix after 67 lets just say 68 was the first chapter 67 drop 65 "Man this author is obsessed with non con to the point they just write in new characters so the main character can get raped. :/" might be a drop if this keeps going 61 still the same problem another problem tho is that the author doesn't address these issues after they happen like just business as usual banam casually fingers rix for who knows what reason like??? 59 this author really likes rape scenes and it makes me uncomfortable because she is portraying it as not rape without penetration but this was present from the beginning so i knew what i was getting into it just got really cute so i thought she got away from that but nah this her fantasy trope for this story poor rix 55 53 ah yes the duality of nuah hot mans in the sheets cutie patootie on the streets 51 nuah is such a qt rix cant help falling in love 47 nuah lookin like elsa out here lmfaooo 45 baby nuah so cute 41 my god the author keeps adding unnecessary noncon that serves nothing does nothing to push the plot forward the original noncon did but the previous one and this one sigh 39 + side story + extra sigh another cliffhanger dubcon comin right up but the extra was really cute and reassuring in that it is gonna be a sweet fluffy love story between the two main characters although i wished they talked about the rape incident 37 bless nuah our sweet cinnaroll 35 was going so well then the author had to introduce a nuisance that is taking advantage of the buff mc while he's out of it sigh but overall nuah is so cute and sweet and everything that rix needs and rix is hot af both are hot homies exactly what i been looking for kinda if only the rest of the thots can f off and leave the main leads alone sigh


Complete | Leepado | 2000 released
2020-11-09 22:45 marked

21 "Dojin is a piece of shit rapist who clearly doesn't care at all about Yuwon. Like waking up someone exhausted just to fuck their mouth?? Really? And why tf did Yuwon want to keep fucking his rapist?! Stupid ass yaoi logic" 20 it would be so much more wholesome if the male lead knew how to listen to the main character he has basically raped the mc and is doing it again with the bj the mc is down to have sex he wants it he knows he wants it he initiates it it's just can't u fudging wait?????? sigh raws: https://funbe.yoga/%EC%9D%B8%EC%8B%9C%ED%81%AC%EB%A6%BF

Monthly Chest

Ongoing | Red peach | 2019 released
2021-02-22 10:57 marked

6 hot but like totally pwp dont expect any morals

Duke's Private Tutor

Complete | Mepi | 2019 released
2021-03-01 09:28 marked

22 DROP ok ya im not the only one who thinks this way sex 1 and 2 uke was intoxicated out of his mind so rape and 3 was just pure nasty ass rape while sober and then the uke just up and leaves the kid in the square with no guard and tired feet and lots of money he's so stupid 21 and a kidnapping trope?! MY GODDDDD for a smart guy he's so dumb so dumb forreal where are the guards on an outing pero like??? 20 sigh the duke is a rapist sighhhhh

Fate Makes No Mistakes

Ongoing | Shin | 2000 released
2019-04-15 04:53 marked
Tags: noncon

71 too many characters story too convoluted i dont remember anything what i do remember i dont like what was in the recent chapters wasnt even the couple i like and they've been gone a while drop 67 skimmed a lot dragging 58.5 still not a fan of 704 plotline he's just constantly manipulated 53 ok story getting better noncon can still go tho poor 704 51 story not bad but the noncon is sigh 47 sigh he said stop 43 only read for the hot san and eunjae scenes idc bout the rest story got convoluted draggy dont like the other couple 41 start of mc sex 40 cucked 39 kiss kiss fall in love 38 poor bby 31.5 31 finally the story is picking up chars are hot story is hmm some parts are monkaS aka the rape of the side chars 24 25 hot diggity dog for the two main chars that dont include the rape 13 raws https://toonkor.bid/%EB%8F%84%EA%B9%A8%EB%B9%84%EB%8F%84-%EC%88%98%ED%92%80%EC%9D%B4-%EC%9E%88%EC%96%B4%EC%95%BC-%EB%AA%A8%EC%9D%B8%EB%8B%A4 https://toonkor.sexy/%EB%8F%84%EA%B9%A8%EB%B9%84%EB%8F%84-%EC%88%98%ED%92%80%EC%9D%B4-%EC%9E%88%EC%96%B4%EC%95%BC-%EB%AA%A8%EC%9D%B8%EB%8B%A4

4 Week Lovers

Ongoing | Maroron | 2019 released
2021-09-11 14:31 marked
Tags: dubcon noncon

7 art is nice only saving grace story is doodoo pacing is terrible noncon is rampant i felt too bad for mc to continue

Dark Fall

Ongoing | Darulung | 2000 released
2022-03-12 19:05 marked

6 straight porn my poor guy i only read this cuz the coins were free from lezhin idk if i can keep going i feel so bad for him stop

Why Is it You?

Complete | Nansae | 2000 released
2022-03-17 18:16 marked

50 they finally switch for one chapter 49 end ml is too pushy doesnt take no for an answer and they both make some stupid decisions 26 not bad

Stranger Than Friends

Complete | Yeoro, Sagold | 2000 released
2021-07-20 09:26 marked

69 man this doesnt excuse all the earlier rape 68 i hate tak "ok girl, this is enough drawing for today! congratulations, dear author, for adding unnecessary sa!!! >_< hahah this is soooo cute and entertaining (this is honestly the most upsetting and disgusting thing I’ve ever seen and to think that people enjoy this is fcking inhuman. plus the fact that inseo saw his hickeys and did nothing made my blood boil. get him away from this animal.)" "Why the hell had Tak become a full on rapist?? Like Sanho clearly says stop and says it’s painful but Tak does what he wants. And Inseo and Yihyeok are unbelievable like…yall see your friend struggling and just shrug it off? This story has turned shit with this second couple. And I bet the author is going to make them be happily in love by the end of this like none of this even happened." 67 sanho deserves better from everyone "Ngl i acc forgot abt them before this update showed up lmfao- I do like Yi-Hyeok and Sanho but the only think Inseo and Tak have for themselves is that they’re attractive… inseo was frustrating and super indecisive despite his excuse or smth but Tak is just plain trash. Like fyd being such an asshole and acting like you have all the rights. Sanho deserves much better fr " 66 idk why ending got boring maybe took too long i lost all vibes 65 fam prob solved 64 he's so many red flags a crybaby his way or the highway whew chile but dont it look rosy cuz of his looks lol 63 oop the parents hurdle 60 okkk 12kkk severence pay 59 imagine ur boss who has feelings for u made clear to u having sex with ur lookalike at work creepy af 58 he a whole crybaby 57 consent is sexy 55 i mean finally 54 that was quite a nice amount of groveling but i do still think yihyeok is too kind 52 i stan the fact he pissing off inseo but not the part where he does it without permission no sirree 51 she still wrong for that even now when her son reaches out to her she still says no like????? had to be CONVINCED by a STRANGER???? sad ass backstory doesn't make up for it 50????!??1 that was the reason?!??! naw this aint it just b/c ur a lesbian doesnt mean u cant see ur son for 10 years and refuse contact just cuz u feel guilty doesnt mean u let the love of your life mc feel like SHIT 48 this is why we communicate 47 wow a selfish obsessive yandere ml who recognizes the traits in himself ok it's making more sense but it's still selfish to want the mc to stay by your side when he likes you if ml truly wanted the best for mc he would leave but tbh he did say he was selfish i mean he wasn't lying but ain't NO way absolutely NO WAYYYY inseo could ever stomach seeing his bff/obsession love someone else and stay friends with him he just lucked out so far that mc has dated NO ONE 46 mc im stanning your resolve dont crack just yet we need more tears and groveling from the obsessed fool of an ml (he's mad hot tho it's the eyes) i forgot what he did but i think he wished for the mc's parents to die and they actually did??? im not sure if it was this story but i think thats the gist of it and he's actually not at fault i could be getting it mixed up with the other artist's work tho the one with the magical boy concept 45 i feel so bad for inseo but its HIGHKEY WHAT HE DESERVES FOR PUTTING MY BOI YIHYEOK THRU THAT the author does angst really well 44 so dysfunctional 43 noooooo my boy he keeps falling back into inseo nooo 42 my poor bby his feelings getting jerked around left right and center 41 MY BBYYYYYY 40 noooo my bby the mccccc this is one of the rare times i really empathize with the main char and really feel how he's feeling my god nothing the ml does it nearly gonna be good nuff for my bby 39 oof cute if you're hot stalkerish if you're not but in this case stalkerish both ways goddamn he rejected u go homeee inseo on the other hand im loving the mc his straightforward personality and the way he says it like it is who are you to control what i do and he recognizes the second guy is bad vibes (for the most part) s238 yessss yi hyeok kick that hoe to the curb we love to see it but damn the anGST it feels good but damn it feels sad too lmaooo I LOVE IT season 2 37 LETS GOOOO ORIGINAL STORY IS BACK STRAIGHT AF WITH THE ANGSTTTTT LETS GOOOO YES TELL HIM HE AINT SHIZ LEAVE 8 literally rape he doesnt think about the uke at all only his needs only his enjoyment only his thirst ew 7 oof noncon 6 on yaoitoon homie knew this whole time he actually does like tak it did seem suss cuz yearsss man lmaooo https://yaoitoon.com/manga/stranger-than-friends/chapter-tak-x-sanho-side-story-6/ 3 side story 2 ohohoho its gettin started tak x sanho side story honestly sanho is so funny lmaooo 36 wow cliffhanger into epilogue smh 35 sigh not the cliffhangersssss homie mc finally confessed tho now inseo stop being a jerk and playing with his feelings 33 A WHOLE diff vibe with glasses 31 boss be nasty 30 last scene was monka 29 28 cute 27 creepy boss altho he hot 26 hot luckily more healthy than her other one 25 why cant the ml just confess the mc lit asked u TWICE 23 omg same person who wrote your wish is my command no wonder why i like it SO FUDGING HOT less dubcon than her usual works mostly consented but the angst is incoming its a fwb relationship childhood friends type shiz my fav i hopped on this shiz asap

Warrior’s Adventure

Ongoing | Ppatta | 2019 released
2021-10-09 11:04 marked

16 wtf i wasnt expecting a cute lil romance out of this lmaoooo "Ever since prince Kaal became of significance I’ve grown attached to him and canNOT enjoy the non-Kaal chapters anymore lol even if it’s just a plant… or a beast monkey… I’m gonna flip one day when it’s another human. I’m such a female " 15 back to og chapter 14 not this pwp actually having a plot?!?!?! tf im shook lmaoooooo reread again i always come back to this lmaooo extra 11 8 hot but poor warrior 7 hot but my god this is pure hentai pure pure pure hentai