Omega Complex
51 cute but the story truly ended at like 25 42 lmao the way i avoided this cuz i called em stupid in 23 but it was fine they made up 2 chapters later and it was just fluff afterwards until this point literally nothing happened and i just came back cuz i heard there is a side story but its kinda whack the dude is in college the kid is in middle school 23 stupid ass miscommunication they both stupid legit 18 NOT THE DANG CLIFFHANGER THEY BOUTA GET IT ON but omg i like how forward the mc is we stan that for him 17 the classic heat pullin up the right time for the main characters but dang the confession out in the open like that but tbh u in the wrong homie like u didnt confess how tf he supposed to know and u know he dense af he ur bf ofc he wouldnt know mc's personality is hilarious though so goddamn deadpan 16 oof the angst in this story is out of this world just from pure miscommunication and fear good ol fear we love to see it i absolutely love the perspective the artist used when they were arguing really pleasing to the eye and the expressions on their faces they really feel hurt and i feel secondhand hurt although tbh the ml aint got no right he said it with his own mouth they wouldnt be friends if mc was an omega and now he backtracking???? naurrrr that aint it sis although yes mc started it by lying for 5 years my god the last line in ch 16 dont make sense tho like wdym "are u trying to blame it on my post trauma stress" naw homie u still stated like a month ago u still hate omegas thats more than just post trauma stress at that point
I Raised My Childhood Friend as a Tyrant
72 this arc kinda snooze 70 ngl this is pretty good the plot is quite trite but the relationships are refreshing many characters are reoccurring few that hardly appear and you form a connection with each and every one of them the part about how the ml and the mc both remember their pasts now thats new too i stan ofc the mc is dense as always and the ml is a lovestruck fool but yanno i like that trope cuz the DAMN ANGST LETS GOOOOOOO did i mention childhood friends too ayyyyy and even in her kid stages she always harkened back to her past not too childish so was bearable and time skips are in good spots never in an age range too long but it is taking quite a while for them to get together 52 reread/skimmed from the beginning omg this is the confession the ANGST the story does it so well my god
Puppy Love
41 xmas ep was cute started reading 42 but hard to get into this again esp since it's a side char too 38 end of season 1??? theres gonna be another one? this ended cutely communication is the cure all youngwoo the ml really does look good while crying and the ending wedding pic was hella pretty the veil on ml got me weak lmaoooo 34 and 35 mc was being stupid 29 tbh wasnt really a confession 26 ALL THESE DAMN CLIFFHANGERS AND FINALLY WHEN THEY BOUTA CONFESS ITS A CLIFFHANGER OF EFFING COURSE so char designs look good esp the ml story is mad trite miscommunication overused overall not bad lmaoooooo got all the tropes i like
Steady Love
57 end omfg the greatest thing bout this was the goddamn communication yes they had problems miscommunicated made mistakes but my god did they talk it out over some spicy sex lets go boissssss we love thattttt the self awareness is so endearing from both characters anddd there was no physical violence between the couple a surprisingly high bar for some bl i swear
Shining Summer
s2ch71 boring pass 70 kinda boring season finale ending nothing happened in the past 11 ch all i was waiting for was the fact i heard there was no wonjae that it was jihoon the whole time and even that wasnt resolved in this season smh 59 losing pace 57 ml is crazy but i love the fact he's not willing to out mc 56 ml is good mc needs a lil growth tho very childish 54 d'AW MOMMA IS ACCEPTING (of a relationship not the gay part yet) and we finally got pics of og altho lowkey expected him to look like that 52 still cute 51 cute 50 wow just dropping that bomb on an old taekwondo friend he really is crazy LMAO 49 omg he asked him out omg so cute 48 this is so cute repairing relationships and this is basically body dysmorphia 47 this is surprisingly really cute and 100% my type of slow burn love story 100% i really like the concept of soul switching and being unable to accept it good concept good story good pacing kept me intrigued what's not to like their affection is hella cute with one another the art looks great i stan lets goooo the personality of the ml is so refreshing he literally wears his heart on his sleeve
Match Made in Heaven by Chance
80 aw that was cute they got married frfr and did the deed again let's gooo it is kinda childish but they did just meet again and they were friends as kids u pick up back from where you left off sometimes i ship it esp the communication at the end chefs kiss mwah 78 they both right space vs communication but in this case communication i side with cuz you go in hiding after sex what are you a child 76 oooo the edging one more chapter to goo 75 OOOO SPICYNESS INCOMING altho i see this story being a scene skipper 73 i did not see hypnosis coming LMAO 72 LMAOOO SHE CRAZY WE LOVE THAT 71 WHAT HAPPENED 69 sooo what's the tea 67 awww cute date 65 whistle whistle indeed 64 finally some ice spice 61 lmao operation remove glasses 60 not a big fan of side couple but was a somewhat fresh take on the i saw my boo with another girl omg its his sister trope the sister was following her instead lmao 58 mc is such a tsundere i love it ngl lmfaooooo a trope of a dynamic but man do i like it 57 so cute 56 nooo i didnt want this to end this was soooo cute i love childhood friends and becoming lovers as adults???? fake marriage?? oblivious male lead who is all buff???? strong female lead that initiates everything and lowkey tsundere??? trope me up omg i loveeee itttt
Our Secret Alliance
73 omg a lil gender bender at the end that was so cute this was real cute to the end side couple included good read 72 she a full tsundere 71 ooo that was good shit the angst the acknowledgement of not wanting to acknowledge feelings they not dumdum blind af 69 oo side couple getting together 68 d'aw that was a cute finale unearthing some mini secrets and easter eggs like the fact jaeha never wanted to go gaming he just said yes to the secret alliance and she made the secret alliance to talk to him 67 AAAAA SO CUTEEEEEE THE ENDING IS NEXT WEEK SOOO CUTE THE WAY SHE'S SO GOLDEN RETRIEVER BUT HE'S ALSO GOLDEN RETRIEVER BUT IN A QUIETER WAY I SHIP IT SO HARD 62 oiii they made outtt let's gooo 61 they bouta makeout in 6222222 60 sleepin in same bed 58 ugh they needa stop my cavities 56 WHY ARE THEY SO CUTEEEEE 55 KISS OMGGGGG 54 WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE IM GETTING A HEART ATTACK HYPERTENSION 52 not sei poppin up like that when he woke up they so cute jaeha is so caring my standards UP 50 oop he took off his glasses and she blocked him 49 such a perf matchhh omg 48 super duper cute we are indeed third wheeling 47 theyre so cute together 46 the comments lmaoo "TOPim going putty over this co-workers to childhood friends to fake dating schemers to mutual pining idiots to lovers trope" SAMe SAMEEE and the finger interlock omfg 45 omfg he cried in response and said it back ASAP MY MANS they're so cute together and she teased him immediately after but his reaction we gotta wait til next ch tears 44 MA GURL I TRUSTED U MC COMMUNICATION KWEEEEENNNN SHE DELIVERED CONFESSION LESGOOO 43 the truth is out these two are too ridiculously cute omfg 42 on webtoon i love this trope childhood friends fake dating to lovers LOVE IT 41 on webtoon he's soooo red 40 on webtoon omg they kissed so cute 38 lmaoo i agree with this commenter BUT TF ITS UPDATED ON WEBTOONS HOE READ IT THERE "WHYD THEY STOP UPDATING IT THERE "
Stranger Than Friends
69 man this doesnt excuse all the earlier rape 68 i hate tak "ok girl, this is enough drawing for today! congratulations, dear author, for adding unnecessary sa!!! >_< hahah this is soooo cute and entertaining (this is honestly the most upsetting and disgusting thing I’ve ever seen and to think that people enjoy this is fcking inhuman. plus the fact that inseo saw his hickeys and did nothing made my blood boil. get him away from this animal.)" "Why the hell had Tak become a full on rapist?? Like Sanho clearly says stop and says it’s painful but Tak does what he wants. And Inseo and Yihyeok are unbelievable like…yall see your friend struggling and just shrug it off? This story has turned shit with this second couple. And I bet the author is going to make them be happily in love by the end of this like none of this even happened." 67 sanho deserves better from everyone "Ngl i acc forgot abt them before this update showed up lmfao- I do like Yi-Hyeok and Sanho but the only think Inseo and Tak have for themselves is that they’re attractive… inseo was frustrating and super indecisive despite his excuse or smth but Tak is just plain trash. Like fyd being such an asshole and acting like you have all the rights. Sanho deserves much better fr " 66 idk why ending got boring maybe took too long i lost all vibes 65 fam prob solved 64 he's so many red flags a crybaby his way or the highway whew chile but dont it look rosy cuz of his looks lol 63 oop the parents hurdle 60 okkk 12kkk severence pay 59 imagine ur boss who has feelings for u made clear to u having sex with ur lookalike at work creepy af 58 he a whole crybaby 57 consent is sexy 55 i mean finally 54 that was quite a nice amount of groveling but i do still think yihyeok is too kind 52 i stan the fact he pissing off inseo but not the part where he does it without permission no sirree 51 she still wrong for that even now when her son reaches out to her she still says no like????? had to be CONVINCED by a STRANGER???? sad ass backstory doesn't make up for it 50????!??1 that was the reason?!??! naw this aint it just b/c ur a lesbian doesnt mean u cant see ur son for 10 years and refuse contact just cuz u feel guilty doesnt mean u let the love of your life mc feel like SHIT 48 this is why we communicate 47 wow a selfish obsessive yandere ml who recognizes the traits in himself ok it's making more sense but it's still selfish to want the mc to stay by your side when he likes you if ml truly wanted the best for mc he would leave but tbh he did say he was selfish i mean he wasn't lying but ain't NO way absolutely NO WAYYYY inseo could ever stomach seeing his bff/obsession love someone else and stay friends with him he just lucked out so far that mc has dated NO ONE 46 mc im stanning your resolve dont crack just yet we need more tears and groveling from the obsessed fool of an ml (he's mad hot tho it's the eyes) i forgot what he did but i think he wished for the mc's parents to die and they actually did??? im not sure if it was this story but i think thats the gist of it and he's actually not at fault i could be getting it mixed up with the other artist's work tho the one with the magical boy concept 45 i feel so bad for inseo but its HIGHKEY WHAT HE DESERVES FOR PUTTING MY BOI YIHYEOK THRU THAT the author does angst really well 44 so dysfunctional 43 noooooo my boy he keeps falling back into inseo nooo 42 my poor bby his feelings getting jerked around left right and center 41 MY BBYYYYYY 40 noooo my bby the mccccc this is one of the rare times i really empathize with the main char and really feel how he's feeling my god nothing the ml does it nearly gonna be good nuff for my bby 39 oof cute if you're hot stalkerish if you're not but in this case stalkerish both ways goddamn he rejected u go homeee inseo on the other hand im loving the mc his straightforward personality and the way he says it like it is who are you to control what i do and he recognizes the second guy is bad vibes (for the most part) s238 yessss yi hyeok kick that hoe to the curb we love to see it but damn the anGST it feels good but damn it feels sad too lmaooo I LOVE IT season 2 37 LETS GOOOO ORIGINAL STORY IS BACK STRAIGHT AF WITH THE ANGSTTTTT LETS GOOOO YES TELL HIM HE AINT SHIZ LEAVE 8 literally rape he doesnt think about the uke at all only his needs only his enjoyment only his thirst ew 7 oof noncon 6 on yaoitoon homie knew this whole time he actually does like tak it did seem suss cuz yearsss man lmaooo 3 side story 2 ohohoho its gettin started tak x sanho side story honestly sanho is so funny lmaooo 36 wow cliffhanger into epilogue smh 35 sigh not the cliffhangersssss homie mc finally confessed tho now inseo stop being a jerk and playing with his feelings 33 A WHOLE diff vibe with glasses 31 boss be nasty 30 last scene was monka 29 28 cute 27 creepy boss altho he hot 26 hot luckily more healthy than her other one 25 why cant the ml just confess the mc lit asked u TWICE 23 omg same person who wrote your wish is my command no wonder why i like it SO FUDGING HOT less dubcon than her usual works mostly consented but the angst is incoming its a fwb relationship childhood friends type shiz my fav i hopped on this shiz asap
summer season
12 i really dont like the ml pass i see dubcon in the future 9 im not rlly vibing with this only char i like is mc who is very aloof but kind and valiant at the same time ml is obsessive in an uncute way second ml is sussy 4 wait for official trans cuz the other is doodoo interesting enough cuz im a sucker for childhood best friends trope too much casual violence tho very old school korean beating up ur love interest is cute?? new guy in ch 4 is cute tho ngl
Bad Friend