After Killing You
13 now it feels like purple hair is playing black hair "All of the people reminding of ch 1 yeah we know we're not stupid but that doesnt make Hyunwoo innocent. He's an asshole to Eunsung. He was so fucking dismissive and patronizing to Eunsung. Lying and trying to cheat on top of that. Let's call a spade a spade his behaviour is bad. Yeah Eunsung is manipulative and obsessive but Hyunwoo is an awful boyfriend. Why should readers ignore his bad behaviour? They can both be awful people. I just don't understand why some people are so restrictive in their criticism and only want to call out Eunsung as if Hyunwoo isn't just as bad. Their relationship is a trainwreck but it's both their faults. Hyunwoo isn't an innocent angel." 12 damn they're both bad they're both killers the older one dated a kid from high school right after he graduated and doesnt even like the kid and is actively keeping him a secret while looking for other options and even killed him during a nasty fight while the kid is an obsessive stalker who also killed him in a fight and also drugged his coffee and doesnt listen when he says no they both bad bad only good thing about this is the art no good art? im gone o and apparently it ends at 19 this isnt gonna end well raws:
side 3 (end) xmas nooo its over the author did rlly well with the sidestories explored many what if situations i loved itttt side 4 they're so cute they really listen to each other's wants and needs and try their best for one another and help each other out soooo cuteeee the sex was so hot the buffest of switches the hottest the cutest the love the affection the consent i love it i love it i love ittttt so gooooood side 8 omg yesss the reversible this is why im hereeee and its wild how mc sometimes looks super manly muscly and sometimes so smol 34 this is the most novel thing i've read in AGES A STONE STATUE AN UGLY STONE STATUE who thinks of thatttt the beginning was soooo good and so cute when they were connecting the middle was mid since it was just my boy mc chasing tf out of eden even tho eden totally liked him back and i didnt like how it took rape lightly and even humorously and superior elf genetics? aryan much? but otherwise really fresh story and i liked it overall mc is a great person eden is a good person could have done without some of the drawn out chasing
Outotsu Morning Love
3 was the best switch ch so far busted em all up forgot the other two ate it clean no crumbs aggressive switch we like that
Umi no Soko
6.5 the artist ate with this character designs so good so novel 6 aw their backstory 5 the author rlly has an imagination fr the ch on mangago are messed up so i read it elsewhere like the first ch would be rlly traumatic if it was a oneshot but overall it was good i liked how selfless the ml was he would always put mc first and when mc stood up for himself it was so nice the mc's family deserved death thank god and i like how they accept one another despite looking different like when he said that's my husband to the damn dark blob of a black whale omggg so cute
Liam and K
3 aw i didnt realize this would be best friends but also the fact it ends at 3 ch sad i wanted more it was nice him realizing his feelings tho from his pov was so sweet didnt realize its chinese til the website
Campus Secret Girlfriend ♡
10 wtf they're so cute together this started out dubcon and mc being an annoying homophobic thot and i didnt like the whole blackmail concept but mc really learned to apologize change and communicate his feelings and ended up being extremely cute i can see why they fell for each other but tbh ml was mostly his looks and sexual capabilities altho he did treat mc well outside of the bedroom im just a big fan of this kind of premise and was willing to overlook a lot
The Duke's Debt
21 fan trans omg thats so sad his parents both died cuz he gave them the gem that the wizard gave him that's an even worse backstory than i thought he was so young and just wanted to help his parents were so young too omg no wonder why he hates wizards nasir and him are so hot together tho and the way mc FOUGHT to get to his boo was wild but the almost rape was not goddamn the way the knight was like i was just doing my duty! naw he said he didnt want it bye binch u deserved it 8 pretty damn good the wizard is legit only interested in his research is strong but not a psycho mc needs a lil more personality but overall good he sexy i heard griffith guts copy i pulled up asap
108 y'know what that was basically switch orange didnt insert but became the bona fide top right there purr but i miss who they once were i truly do their personalities changed up so much 105 ok that was cute enough lore feelings communication from all sides i can try to overlook the vastly different art 104 OMFGGG WHY DID THE ART CHANGE SO MUCH THEY ALL LOOK LIKE THE SAME DUDE WITH DIFFERENT COLORED HAIR NOW AND the author is making the main ml cry all the fudging damn time now he had a whole personality switch wtf he's like an uke but not rlly its pissing me off 103 suyong was in a love triangle?! wtf?! poor jaehyun bouta start crying again "I need my tops PATHETIC like a wet rag." 102 the bodies r nice but i feel the top changed so much i get he's in his vulnerability stage but still "Please the way it was gaping omfg" 100 the art looks so different it feels like a damn new couple "Crazy how the plot start to develop after 80+ chapters ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭" 99 omfg i reread the whole damn thing my cuties rlly returned for GOOD around ch 90 like i was just starting to get into it with the second couple like oooo who normie gonna end with and they hit me with this banger it was a flashback at first but it's been so long that i saw my couple and it was new content i havent seen from the angle of the black haired one that i liked it ngl i felt really angsty for him and i love angst orange hair is too good tho too good beautiful soul so forgiving such a kind rich person i love him so much black hair you have my sympathies but honestly i couldnt do it like orange hair i get it that black hair got major trauma tho and u can tell the author wrote this like ages ago its basically a continuation from way back when cuz they never talked their issues out bout miscommunication and this is like a huge catharsis bUT i still dont like how hypocritical black hair dude was about the white haired one cuz he took advantage of orange hair while drunk like fully omg these comments ate "The top just got even more twinkified" "also why does main couple and side couple felt like they were written by different authors? the quality difference is crazy" and i also dont disagree ngl but since my boo loves him... "I'll just call him what it is, a fcking opportunist and rapist! his sob story doesn't justify any of his actions. Orange hair clealry didn't want to bottom, he was drunk enough to not remember anything the next day, but the rapist did what rapists do.. "this way i have nothing to lose" 73 i think normie gonna get with the bf and white hair gonna meet his first crush i see fate 72 the author draws some HOTTTT sex scenes and it is ALL uncensored too goddamn a third leg on most of them she turned up the DIALLLL with normie goddamn a threesome im shook double penetration wasnt expecting that and love triangle is triangling thank god i feel a lil detached due to the mc's detached nature but i would feel so bad if he was an angsty person cuz his homies rlly are sending mixed signals especially the bestie like i get u like him i get ur shy but wtf u just gonna stand there when ur mans is being taken by his roomie just TELL HIM STRAIGHT UP i like you wtf normie is waiting for those words cuz ur signals are MIXED AF ROLEPLAY??? just say it straight wtf stop being considerate and just tell him but i guess that is his personality while white hair really is living up to his personality too its wild he's lit like a cat waiting for his owner to come home 27 was actually pretty good interesting enough i really liked the opposing dynamic but i really do feel orange hair tried so much more maybe cuz it was from his pov he really put in the EFFORT but maybe just cuz black hair did NOT communicate at all until the very end way after they started dating like it took me that long to realize he was a fudging JOKESTER he likes JOKES he was joking with the mc the whole time mc was not kidding when he said they really do nottt click besides sex wise but omg their kinks when mc asked for ml to be dress in a long dress with a slit and crying with tears omfgggg was that a mood and THEN HE DID IT WITH A ROSE IN HIS MOUTH OK PERIOD I LOVE THATTTTTTTTTTTTT too bad they not coming back until ch 94 i can try with the side couple minwoo was hot but the normie was not giving personality wise summaries from other ppl seem whack
Ghost Window
57 "Hoyeon acts like the bottom but is the top" love that "strong power handsome manly bottom and pretty seme who needs protection from uke" 54 i couldnt remem any of the story so i reread the whole thing and tbh it was still good the second time i barely remembered anything so it was like reading it anew i really like the size difference and how its different from normal puppy seme love that stoic gives in to puppy love that too pushy seme not a fan but comes with the territory of bl and puppy story still interesting basically if i forget in the future again seme is teacher for uke who didnt die 18 years ago when seme was kid uke suddenly got tele'd to the future and boom lessons with grown teacher uke's special abiliy is ghost and he does dangerous missions to get back at big boss that tried to kill him and did kill his whole team only 2 ppl survived one of which i think is super suss (talked bout in previous comment) puppy confessed after getting kidnapped around ch 20 or so they did it and did it again 36 and again 50 going through some relationship tea before ch 50 and now puppy got his powers recognized tryna control registered himself that's where we at 53 i think big boss is the actual big baddie villain cuz his power is to be able to manipulate himself into whatever he wants he manipulated himself into the doctor and killed the whole group except ghost for some reason or ghost rose from the dead who knows idk why he still kept him alive but maybe it's just for nostalgic reasons like he dont resonate with that killer version of himself anymore im pretty damn sure im right on the money the relationship is cute i do like the dynamic of cute younger puppy seme and manly buff quieter uke who lets the seme do whatever he wants i do like the plot in this one more tho surprisingly i cant wait for the big reveal
Flower of the Sun