103 his fam craycray 102 omg nooo they gonna make me read the novel matching bite mark tattoos is whew chile but i love that they switch so i might just move to novel at 146 "just wanted to let yall know the manhua ended prematurely today at ch146 but you should all read the novel it's such a beautiful story" 99 tappytoon changed their translator to someone who cant speak english 97 oomph trans got bad i had to put on the blinkers for this one 96 shaved head moment but tbh he always gives off shaved head vibes 94 they even discussed who would be the top black hair clearly its back to official and official actually shows the kiss "They switch, but since Jiang Cheng is the MC, we read more from his perspective. He admits that Gu Fei is a better top. That being said, neither of them is exclusively the top or bottom. They give in to each other's requests and demands and satisfy each other haha" OMG SWITCH 87 THE TEACHERS IN HERE ARE SUCH GREAT ROLE MODELS WHO SUPPORT THEIR STUDENTS WE LOVE TO SEE IT AND HIS BESTIE IS SO SWEET COMING ALL THIS WAY ACCEPTING HIM AS HE IS AND CONSTANTLY REASSURING HIM OF HIS UNDYING FRIENDSHIP I LOVE IT 74 LETS WASH UP AND GO GET BREAKFAST BOYFRIEND OMGGGGGG LOVE THEMMM 73 omfg he asked him out 67 omfg its uncensored kiss in the official wtf 63 omg this is so cute was it me or the sofa is crazy work but i love how so much is inferred like we can read so much from actions body language unspoken things and they picked up on it they didnt have to tell each other explicitly that they are attracted to each other they just knew i love thatttt this is so good the building of their relationship the pacing is so perfect and it tackles issues we often dont like to address like adoption abuse etc and the unofficial trans eat more than the official thank god