Hyuuu's manga / #angst(65)

Yonin no Nibiiro

Ongoing | Akabeko,akabeko | 2018 released
2024-04-07 21:52 marked
Tags: rape noncon angst

15.5 this was some MESSED UP shit i can only read one of these a year goddamn everything ended happily all things granted like damn everyone was raped except our honeybooboo yu i would say mc but he was barely shown it was mostly bout the goddamn brothers it took a normie to break everyone out of their self imprisonment just do whatever tf u want he says and manifest destiny made it come true

An egocentric way of thinking

Ongoing | Wonmick,Minji | 2000 released

58 i get it who wouldnt react the same way it just sounds like an excuse 56 lmaoo who said "PROPER COMMUNICATION BITCHHH" i mean its true they need it but lmaooo i understand why he's holding back the relationship is still so new but this is the best time tbh 54 it was good until the swallow it like mc lit said he doesnt do that why u pushing for it tf 53 bro listen to ur ml u gonna impale urself lmaoo 51 this was the slowest of slow burns they're finally having sex at chapter 51 ngl i thought with would be pwp based on the premise but it surprisingly had a lot of angst that i like and valid thoughts from the mc trying to rationalize away his feelings and learn to stand up for himself im a sucker for a chasing ml which is our ml here ngl from his pov tho mc is mad annoying running all the time but i like how they're not truly idiots and the work convo aint too dull overall ive seen this trope done before but i still liked it here and oooo the art is so pretty ml is sooo pretty it reminds me of the old korean manhwa which these hoes in the comments never went thru clearly i miss it so much its so nostalgic from the face to the body to the hair all the angles i miss ittttttt

For You Who Grieves

Ongoing | White april,49 | 2022 released
2024-04-18 09:13 marked

47 art is whack too im lost in the sauce ive been gone too long my heart is colddd i cant overlook it 45 omfg since it came back idk if its cuz ive been gone too long but the emotions and story keep jumping its so noncohesive and paced erratically like he just started crying out the damn blue 42 "Finally an author who knows how to end a season peacefully" 41 yeah yeah it does make u trash "I would be running away too if i was looking like that at school. Isnt he rich?? Hows he not affording good clothes" "not the SLEEVELESS HOODIE with RIBBONS and JORTS?!? GIRL BYE was he running away cause of the current crime against fashion????" I NOTICED IT TOO LIKE TF IS HE WEARING LMFAOOO 40 nooo the cliffhangerrrr i love this premise i eat it up every time soul swapping is inherent ANGST ohohoho i love it ml is always so caustic to the reincarnation and then become puppy dogs when they find out but mc is truly a good guy so kind i see why he fell and im glad ml noticed on his own the scene where mc finds out that ml knows is so good the title is so apt as well it tackles grief and trauma quite well

When the Star Sleeps

Complete | TOU,Sanghyuk | 2000 released
2024-05-23 09:33 marked

side 10 awww they got married side 8 i read all this in one sitting goddamn this was pretty good high school lovers turned literally forever lovers i cant believe they both hibernated together i did not see that coming lmfao its kinda wild it turned into age gap i like it overall but theres a lot more communication that needs to be happening between them its a novel concept i like it overall not a fav tho perhaps cuz they do much without telling the other or the art style or the way petra somehow magically fell in love with mc too?? cuz petra hella older man ma boi was in hs when yall met frfr also 35 years without each other and yall love still that strong? haejin i get cuz yanno he froze at the height of the honeymoon phase but my old man??? 55 years old? u would move the hell on but i guess ptsd and trauma over losing ur young ass lover is a hell of a drug and ofc theres a cliffhanger right before the main couple start going at it in mc's old age 15 o ya this was pretty interesting teenagers tho


Ongoing | Yongdo | 2022 released

108 y'know what that was basically switch orange didnt insert but became the bona fide top right there purr but i miss who they once were i truly do their personalities changed up so much 105 ok that was cute enough lore feelings communication from all sides i can try to overlook the vastly different art 104 OMFGGG WHY DID THE ART CHANGE SO MUCH THEY ALL LOOK LIKE THE SAME DUDE WITH DIFFERENT COLORED HAIR NOW AND the author is making the main ml cry all the fudging damn time now he had a whole personality switch wtf he's like an uke but not rlly its pissing me off 103 suyong was in a love triangle?! wtf?! poor jaehyun bouta start crying again "I need my tops PATHETIC like a wet rag." 102 the bodies r nice but i feel the top changed so much i get he's in his vulnerability stage but still "Please the way it was gaping omfg" 100 the art looks so different it feels like a damn new couple "Crazy how the plot start to develop after 80+ chapters ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭" 99 omfg i reread the whole damn thing my cuties rlly returned for GOOD around ch 90 like i was just starting to get into it with the second couple like oooo who normie gonna end with and they hit me with this banger it was a flashback at first but it's been so long that i saw my couple and it was new content i havent seen from the angle of the black haired one that i liked it ngl i felt really angsty for him and i love angst orange hair is too good tho too good beautiful soul so forgiving such a kind rich person i love him so much black hair you have my sympathies but honestly i couldnt do it like orange hair i get it that black hair got major trauma tho and u can tell the author wrote this like ages ago its basically a continuation from way back when cuz they never talked their issues out bout miscommunication and this is like a huge catharsis bUT i still dont like how hypocritical black hair dude was about the white haired one cuz he took advantage of orange hair while drunk like fully omg these comments ate "The top just got even more twinkified" "also why does main couple and side couple felt like they were written by different authors? the quality difference is crazy" and i also dont disagree ngl but since my boo loves him... "I'll just call him what it is, a fcking opportunist and rapist! his sob story doesn't justify any of his actions. Orange hair clealry didn't want to bottom, he was drunk enough to not remember anything the next day, but the rapist did what rapists do.. "this way i have nothing to lose" 73 i think normie gonna get with the bf and white hair gonna meet his first crush i see fate 72 the author draws some HOTTTT sex scenes and it is ALL uncensored too goddamn a third leg on most of them she turned up the DIALLLL with normie goddamn a threesome im shook double penetration wasnt expecting that and love triangle is triangling thank god i feel a lil detached due to the mc's detached nature but i would feel so bad if he was an angsty person cuz his homies rlly are sending mixed signals especially the bestie like i get u like him i get ur shy but wtf u just gonna stand there when ur mans is being taken by his roomie just TELL HIM STRAIGHT UP i like you wtf normie is waiting for those words cuz ur signals are MIXED AF ROLEPLAY??? just say it straight wtf stop being considerate and just tell him but i guess that is his personality while white hair really is living up to his personality too its wild he's lit like a cat waiting for his owner to come home 27 was actually pretty good interesting enough i really liked the opposing dynamic but i really do feel orange hair tried so much more maybe cuz it was from his pov he really put in the EFFORT but maybe just cuz black hair did NOT communicate at all until the very end way after they started dating like it took me that long to realize he was a fudging JOKESTER he likes JOKES he was joking with the mc the whole time mc was not kidding when he said they really do nottt click besides sex wise but omg their kinks when mc asked for ml to be dress in a long dress with a slit and crying with tears omfgggg was that a mood and THEN HE DID IT WITH A ROSE IN HIS MOUTH OK PERIOD I LOVE THATTTTTTTTTTTTT too bad they not coming back until ch 94 i can try with the side couple minwoo was hot but the normie was not giving personality wise summaries from other ppl seem whack


Complete | Hinoon | 2000 released



Ongoing | 小文humiko | 2019 released

55 OMGGGG ALEXIS FINALLY CONFESSED OMGGGGG FINALLYYYYYY i read up to here with ocr chinese tired me out ngl 53 AAAAAA ITS SO TRUE XUNHAO ITS NOT THE PERSON'S PAST THAT MATTERS THEIR PAST BUILT THEM INTO THE PERSON U LOVE TODAY AND TODAY THEY CHOOSE U AAAAAAA IM CRYINGGG THAT WAS SO GOOD IT REALLY RESONATED WITH ME BC I THINK I TOO WOULD HARP ON THE PAST BUT ITS THE NOW THAT MATTERS MOST 43 google translated ocr for 10 chapters very good childhood friends getting back together story less romance than i thought but still very cute the side chars im not very attached to but still good hands hurt need break the stupid ellipticals make it difficult and every bubble has one istg 33 this is so good i love the wide variety of characters and the depth of the feelings expressed here the art is beautiful as well i wish they would communicate more but as teenagers undergoing a tumultous period in their lives its ok they're doing the best they can and slowly but surely they'll understand one another i wanna go hit the raws now and i might https://m.happymh.com/manga/PSwozaihubiandengni

My Damned XXX

Complete | Ssaewoo | 2019 released

36 first couple is cute and i really liked how it didnt end right after they got together and the fact they finally communicated their true fears and feelings but i do wish they hashed out the past more than just a confession erasing the doubts of the past like we saw what went down even tho it was confusing like why did yall just ignore each other at school but it ended up being cute and i like how they only have eyes for each other and jealousy is normal glad they talked it out and can trust each other now plus that reindeer costume was so cute and the fit inside was hot and they both wanna treat each other so well tears but this shiz is hella long and i see that for the next 40 ch its gonna be the damn sunbae and the restaurant owner i knew it im not interested ngl esp since "Seonwoo done got twinkified" lmaooo but ppl rlly like it so maybe

Abnormal Rommate

Ongoing | Lee sohan,Yeon yura | 2022 released

79 ofc robin would give in 78 LMAOO "How is the sex also slow burn" "i feel like im in a stadium watching a tie breaker and everyone around me is screaming and yelling because it's been 6 hours" "DONT CARE WHOS TOP OR BOTTOM HOP TO IT!!" 76 the blueballs continue 75 he cute drunk 74 omg he doing research for the first time 72 MY CUTIEPIE U BETTER NOT TRY TO HURT HIM AGAIN 71 I LOVE ROBIN THIS MDF SO BOLD 70 they too cute but its a little overwhelming 69 i love love LOVE ROBIN HE'S SO SWEET AND PAYS ATTENTION TO HIS BOO SO WELL i mean the ml does too BUT I LOVE ROBIN MORE 67 THATS RIGHT STAND ON BUSINESS MY BOY IF HE CHOOSES TO IGNORE UR FEELINGS LIKE THAT HE CAN GO 66 robin MY BABY NOT LIKE THIS ml is so cold wtf pacing is off bye one star "bruh at this point I'm just confused the author is choosing such weird ways to move this plot forward they had a perfectly good leadup to a confession scene in the same timeframe they did with the one they ended up using but instead we got some weird filler with Robin's brother and a business trip and now this drama with going abroad it's so fucking bizarre they had to talk about it anyway and there's no way it would have gone smoothly (Hangyul has known Robin for what over a decade as a straight man and has nurtured this one-sided love that he himself has admitted is killing him, there's no way he'd be able to instantly accept that Robin suddenly has feelings for him) no matter what, so bringing up the going abroad thing *right this second* to force a dramatic and unhappy confession is SUCH a weird pacing choice I've noticed this about this author before in this story, they like to take some very strange and out of pocket detours" 65 ooo the worst way to find out ur boo is leaving through someone else 64 the angst of this poor man nooo i want moreee robin is so good to himmmmmm 63 omg robin is so smart he realized from the look but omggg i did notttt expect hangyul to initiate i hope they talk tomorrow 62 GOOD ADVICE GREAT ADVICE LET'S GO ROBIN TELL HIM HANGYUL IS A FOOL U HAVE TO TELL THAT MAN STRAIGHT UP IN HIS DAMN FACE I LIKE U U CAN DO IT LET'S GOO 59 someone said ch 62 LETS GOOOO "you FOOL you absolute BUFFOON you are the crush this is such slowburn im lowkey going insane but i know the romance with be so worth it" 57 STILL CUTE 56 AHHHH THIS IS SOOOO CUTE THIS IS EVERYTHING I EVER WANT FROM AN ESTRANGED CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TURNED ROOMMATES TURNED BEST FRIENDS TURNED (SOON TO BE) LOVERS STORY OMGGGGG THE MC IS SO SWEET AND HE LOVES HIS JOKES AND HIS LIL QUIPS ARE ACTUALLY WELL TIMED AND NOT TOO CORNY I LIKE IT SO MUCH AND THE WAY HIS BOO IS A STRAIGHT UP TSUNDERE I LOVE THAT TOO OMGGGG BUT THEY'RE BOTH SO CUTE TO ONE ANOTHER AND THE WAY THE AUTHOR IS ACTIVELY TRYING TO FIGHT (SOME) STEREOTYPES LIKE OFC SEXUALITY AND SEEING PAST THE OUTER EXTERIOR (KINDA STILL LIVING UP TO KOREAN BEAUTY STANDARDS OFC) SO SO SO CUTE AND THE ANGST OMFGGGG THE ANGST FROM BOTH SIDES BUT MOSTLY FROM ML SIDE THIS IS A CASE WHERE BOTH POV ACTUALLY ENHANCE THE STORY BUT THE MISCOMMUNICATION OMFGGGG ITS BEEN LASTING FOR SO LONG I LOVE ME A SLOW BURN BUT IM AFRAID ITS GONNA LOSE ITS FIRE AFTER I HAVE TO WAIT FOR UPDATES SADLY

The Selfish Romance

Ongoing | Gyogyo park | 2022 released
2024-08-09 09:07 marked

32 it's starting the realization 31 "I actually don’t hate her ex. In fact, I kind of like him. It occurred to me that while she ended their relationship because she felt shxtty, she still knew what she was getting herself into when she pursued him, looked after his dad and then dated him, so their end was a natural consequence for her wanting someone whom she knew, wasn’t in love with her. He’s probably never been in love once in his entire life and got caught up thinking that given the place she’d taken in his life, that simply was a natural next step in their relationship. And like he said to a friend of his a chapter or two ago, he does love her, but that’s only because he thinks of her as family. I’d be interested in seeing him fall in love for real. Not with her though, because she belongs with our real gorgeous ML." 30 greatest fear "I like Iseon's personality as a person but not as boyfriend. After knowing he doesnt see me as a woman, I will be paranoid everyday. What if he'll meet someone whom he truly loves. Sooner he'll just regret getting married to me and it will hurt even more seeing him feeling the way you wanted him for you to feel even though you are the one he chose. And I wonder if Iseon ever had a crush but I guess he never did since he wasnt able to disguish love between couple vs family :/" 25 oof he knows now time for my girl to find out bout her man and her ex man knowing each other "man i feel so bad for him, his ex literally destroyed his self-worth and self-image thats crazy :( what a selfish bitch man" 23 finally he realizes she is becoming friends with his ex "The ex isn’t nice at all. He literally had no feelings for her whatsoever after 6 years of being together and almost getting married. He just proved that with this chapter. He didn’t care whether they got back together or not. He didn’t care whether she started dating someone else or not. He even didn’t care whether they got married or not. He’s doing everything for her like it’s some sort of favour and he’s treating it like it’s someone else’s business. If he was actually nice he would’ve broken up with her long ago before wasting 6 years of her life since he clearly doesn’t have any romantic feelings for her. He’s just trying to be the nice guy but doesn’t realise what he’s doing is down right shitty. She’s a nice girl. She deserves to know the truth and she deserves to be with someone who actually loves her and not just doing her a favour like she’s some charity case." 20 yall told everything else but not who yall exes are cuz tf aint no way yall aint got a single photo together after 6 azzzzz yearssss 19 oop the exes are moving 15 hooomg this gonna be a slowburn im liking it a lot already tho plenty of angst and tension plus they're both soooo hottt we stan eyebags