Hyuuu's manga / #angst(65)

The Taming of The Tyrant

Ongoing | Yusoi | 2021 released
2021-03-02 11:56 marked
Tags: angst

84 not the cliffhanger 82 ma boi got into her thick hard ass 500 ft walls let him stay by your side sis TT 81 the fact ml turned into a detective in 3 years cuz she wouldnt say shiz AND the fact he figured out she a time traveler and a magic ass sword i applaud him i would have never come to that conclusion but its the only one that makes sense i agree 75 sigh it lost all sense of flow after the time skip like 60+ chapters for her to run away and tbh it just feels like revenge pron not good 69 imma say it obsession is hot when its not real 67 possessiveeee 65 omg poor dylan he really trusted her until the end my god 3 years he waited he waited he waited 64 waw she rlly bouta leave him bouta time and ofc its the "its for ur own good" excuse 62 she an evil god whatta twist 60 why she always lyin mmmm omg stop effin lyin 59 yooo they had sex too bad they skipped the whole scene tho but just shoujo tingz 58 SHE KISSED HIM LETS GOOOO 57 dedicated flirt dylan has hit the stage read on the actual site you can comment here https://leviatanscans.com/jdm/manga/i-tamed-a-tyrant-and-ran-away/57 55 ohoho he confessed 54 dylan is relegated to pining man can still follow along with the story but it is starting to make less sense trans aint helping either she still hasnt run away yet lmaooo goddamn 33 she's so op tho lol oof the angst we stan ANGST 27 we stan a coldhearted binch out for revenge like dayum the angst she causing in our poor male lead dylan as she rejected him twice in cold hard STEEL she said dayum right marry the redhead idc bout ur feelings hoo boy the angst LOVE IT 26 lowkey spoiled myself with the oneshot im waiting for the ml angst when she runs away oooo will be glorious tbh the manipulation from the villainess i stan her cold heartedness and one track mind towards her goal and how they both are pretty dang smart like the whole petal thing and how she dressed herself up like the petal i didnt even notice that shiz lmaoooo

Semantic Error

Complete | Jeosuri,Angy | 2019 released
2021-05-13 09:49 marked

o so this was a novel there are more side stories but idk if they'll be made into a webtoon https://buymeacoffee.com/eunuch55/semantic-error 93 awww my babies it's over i hope there are some side stories ending was sorta anticlimactic but perhaps it was because i had to read it weekly so goddamn slowly 92 omg finally after another chase mc confessed!! 90 lmaooo the i dont give a shit just do it (kiss him) from mc im weakkkk thats so in character LMAOOOO and ml lovessss itttttt apparently this ends at 93 oop how it gonna be wrapped up 89 ofc ur boo gave u a ticket smh 88 the way he said pervert, lazy ass bum, and creep with heart eyes 87 and i oop my gurl ATE NO CRUMBS WIPED THE FLOOR WITH MC now time to go back and make up with your boo 85 OMFG HE CONFESSED HE CONFESSEDDDDDD OUR LIL SOCIALLY STUNTED MC CONFESSED FIRST?!?!?! AND OFC HE RAN AWAY THIS CH U CAN TELL THE AUTHOR PLANNED AHEAD OF TIME IT RLLY LIVED UP TO THE SEMANTIC ERROR NAME AND HE'S BACK TO HIS RED SHIRT I SEE U AUTHOR one thing is tho the art rlly changed a lot and i think i actually preferred the old art 83 slow updates so im losing the vibe 82 finally communication 81 oof the fight continues 80 lmaoo the way he's analyzing the ways he wont get assault charges lmfaooo 79 yeah that's right be angry he did ghost u and has mad anger issues 77 lmaoo the friend is so funny i wonder if it'll actually go to plan 76 i mean what he said wasn't tactful but jaeyong wrong for ghosting him like that communication is key ma boi 75 UH OH MISCOMMUNICATION altho the stuff before it was cute jaeyoung rlly did name all superficial stuff that he liked about mc 74 it's a full on date omg we got jealous sangwoo jaeyong puttin on the moves legggooooo sangwoo bouta realize his feelings lEGGGOOOO 73 omg jealous sangwoo 72 71 official i honest to god like the fantrans more than official official took way too many liberties 71 my boi mc hoomg the growth 70 omfg sangwoo the char development cough cough 69 he's always been reckless lmaooo 68 omfg i forgot he had a twin LMAOOO their conversation was sooo cute tho 67 doctor daughter doctor son doctor daughter-in-law future prosecutor son-in-law got me weeakkk lmaooo 66 cute 65 why they playin we know they forever bros 64 hubba hubba hottie mcthotties ml a lil bit of a red flag but with these glasses it looks HOT 63 aw so cute 61 wow its only been 2 months lol 60 o nooo he's leaving 58 ooo they did itttt i thought the author skipped over the sex scene at first i was like tfffff it's still only like sorta showing 57 yesss let it all out sangwoo fan trans so not as good but i got the GIST the sex is gonna be long lets gooo 56 omg i loveee the mc so blunt but so shy yet so forward all these contradictions omgggg so cute cute cute and how ml lit treats him like a cat and is lowkey manipulating the situation but also letting mc make all the moves cant wait for the next ch 55 omg mc kissed him first UNEXPECTEDLY WITHOUT ASKING 54 awww mc asked him out on a date s2 afterword 52 hot kiss not sangchoo being popular by literally doing nothing but being himself we stan an unbothered king 50 flirting stage again 47 more talking but dang the official trans already caught up shook 46 setup 45 talking 44 mhm mhm as expected he chickened out 43 yes almost there boizzzzz 41 ofc homeboy is on an unintentional date with another girl lmaooo 39 LMAO the way he accepted straight to the motel on monday LMAOOO 38 got picked up waiting for rem's gdrive link ohoho https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PWL_LK5KZ2uuvUtnz9CiXxI2gm599UT1 37 noo another cliffhanger but yes the ml stepped up and asked him straight up to make a choice lmaooo 36 kyaaaa they kissed again the next ep cant come any soonerrr 35 omggg he kissed him i see something happening in the futureee 33 ayyy season 2 sOOO EXCITED its 8 am i havent slept but i am HYPED 29.5 end of season 1 omg i love their personalities so much also there's angst on both sides im crying lemme go read the novel apparently there's an anime too? the main guy reminds me of kyungsoo so much i swear even the cap novel: https://sleepytranslations.com/series/semantic-error/ anime: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x80r277

Master Of Master

Complete | Shida | 2000 released
2022-02-11 09:58 marked
Tags: angst

37 + extra 4 this was good i liked the main relationship and i actually felt bad for the second love interest and he did have chemistry with the main but the main plus doggo relationship was too strong im so so so glad that my poor puppy left him to be sad and miss his little pup plus that scene when they met again and my poor pup brushed him off chefs kiss this was peak grovel loved it so im glad my poor puppy got his happy ending plus the sex scenes were hot the difference between puppy jonggu and sexy jonggu was staggering but boy was he SEXY extras were not for me but i was curious what the other pup would look like


Ongoing | Asami | 2000 released
2022-03-16 18:33 marked



Ongoing | Tim Takkong | 2000 released
2022-04-20 00:40 marked
Tags: angst

creator's note 41 subpar ending kinda like o that's it? but overall story was not bad 40 oof side story time huh 39 so hot 36 whew chile the ghetto they needa communicate but this is good i like it lots of angst the chars are hot miscommunication is everpresent as usual only thing is that the piv sex scenes are really short like 2 panels lmao other than that i like it a lot the man being a submissive in bed is such a turn on the gap moe is huge i like it a lot i know what i want i guess

How I came to like my male friend

Ongoing | Pyapya | 2000 released
2022-06-04 08:01 marked

53 ended dull too 51 cute but dull now 48 cute 46 fluffy both of em 45 lmaooo he brought up the premise LAMOOOO 44 gets me weak how he's totes based on jungkook WEAK LMAOOO 43 raws ok keep reading 42 on lezhin free coins cute confession 41 sigh cliffhangers so u know that means we gotta hit the raws https://rawdex.net/manga/how-i-came-to-like-my-male-friend-raw-2802/42/ special 2 special 1 lmao the old feudal korea era 38 COMMUNICATION MY GUY LET MY HOMEGIRL GET A WORD IN GOOD SIS WAS TRYING 36 COMMUNICATION 34 hot love the adult content but communication is key my friends

Stranger Than Friends

Complete | Yeoro, Sagold | 2000 released
2021-07-20 09:26 marked

69 man this doesnt excuse all the earlier rape 68 i hate tak "ok girl, this is enough drawing for today! congratulations, dear author, for adding unnecessary sa!!! >_< hahah this is soooo cute and entertaining (this is honestly the most upsetting and disgusting thing I’ve ever seen and to think that people enjoy this is fcking inhuman. plus the fact that inseo saw his hickeys and did nothing made my blood boil. get him away from this animal.)" "Why the hell had Tak become a full on rapist?? Like Sanho clearly says stop and says it’s painful but Tak does what he wants. And Inseo and Yihyeok are unbelievable like…yall see your friend struggling and just shrug it off? This story has turned shit with this second couple. And I bet the author is going to make them be happily in love by the end of this like none of this even happened." 67 sanho deserves better from everyone "Ngl i acc forgot abt them before this update showed up lmfao- I do like Yi-Hyeok and Sanho but the only think Inseo and Tak have for themselves is that they’re attractive… inseo was frustrating and super indecisive despite his excuse or smth but Tak is just plain trash. Like fyd being such an asshole and acting like you have all the rights. Sanho deserves much better fr " 66 idk why ending got boring maybe took too long i lost all vibes 65 fam prob solved 64 he's so many red flags a crybaby his way or the highway whew chile but dont it look rosy cuz of his looks lol 63 oop the parents hurdle 60 okkk 12kkk severence pay 59 imagine ur boss who has feelings for u made clear to u having sex with ur lookalike at work creepy af 58 he a whole crybaby 57 consent is sexy 55 i mean finally 54 that was quite a nice amount of groveling but i do still think yihyeok is too kind 52 i stan the fact he pissing off inseo but not the part where he does it without permission no sirree 51 she still wrong for that even now when her son reaches out to her she still says no like????? had to be CONVINCED by a STRANGER???? sad ass backstory doesn't make up for it 50????!??1 that was the reason?!??! naw this aint it just b/c ur a lesbian doesnt mean u cant see ur son for 10 years and refuse contact just cuz u feel guilty doesnt mean u let the love of your life mc feel like SHIT 48 this is why we communicate 47 wow a selfish obsessive yandere ml who recognizes the traits in himself ok it's making more sense but it's still selfish to want the mc to stay by your side when he likes you if ml truly wanted the best for mc he would leave but tbh he did say he was selfish i mean he wasn't lying but ain't NO way absolutely NO WAYYYY inseo could ever stomach seeing his bff/obsession love someone else and stay friends with him he just lucked out so far that mc has dated NO ONE 46 mc im stanning your resolve dont crack just yet we need more tears and groveling from the obsessed fool of an ml (he's mad hot tho it's the eyes) i forgot what he did but i think he wished for the mc's parents to die and they actually did??? im not sure if it was this story but i think thats the gist of it and he's actually not at fault i could be getting it mixed up with the other artist's work tho the one with the magical boy concept 45 i feel so bad for inseo but its HIGHKEY WHAT HE DESERVES FOR PUTTING MY BOI YIHYEOK THRU THAT the author does angst really well 44 so dysfunctional 43 noooooo my boy he keeps falling back into inseo nooo 42 my poor bby his feelings getting jerked around left right and center 41 MY BBYYYYYY 40 noooo my bby the mccccc this is one of the rare times i really empathize with the main char and really feel how he's feeling my god nothing the ml does it nearly gonna be good nuff for my bby 39 oof cute if you're hot stalkerish if you're not but in this case stalkerish both ways goddamn he rejected u go homeee inseo on the other hand im loving the mc his straightforward personality and the way he says it like it is who are you to control what i do and he recognizes the second guy is bad vibes (for the most part) s238 yessss yi hyeok kick that hoe to the curb we love to see it but damn the anGST it feels good but damn it feels sad too lmaooo I LOVE IT season 2 37 LETS GOOOO ORIGINAL STORY IS BACK STRAIGHT AF WITH THE ANGSTTTTT LETS GOOOO YES TELL HIM HE AINT SHIZ LEAVE 8 literally rape he doesnt think about the uke at all only his needs only his enjoyment only his thirst ew 7 oof noncon 6 on yaoitoon homie knew this whole time he actually does like tak it did seem suss cuz yearsss man lmaooo https://yaoitoon.com/manga/stranger-than-friends/chapter-tak-x-sanho-side-story-6/ 3 side story 2 ohohoho its gettin started tak x sanho side story honestly sanho is so funny lmaooo 36 wow cliffhanger into epilogue smh 35 sigh not the cliffhangersssss homie mc finally confessed tho now inseo stop being a jerk and playing with his feelings 33 A WHOLE diff vibe with glasses 31 boss be nasty 30 last scene was monka 29 28 cute 27 creepy boss altho he hot 26 hot luckily more healthy than her other one 25 why cant the ml just confess the mc lit asked u TWICE 23 omg same person who wrote your wish is my command no wonder why i like it SO FUDGING HOT less dubcon than her usual works mostly consented but the angst is incoming its a fwb relationship childhood friends type shiz my fav i hopped on this shiz asap

I Lost the Leash of the Yandere Male Lead

Ongoing | 플랑비,Haji, 하지 | 2019 released
2022-03-11 21:41 marked

56 they just chilling while the younger bros are gone i forgot so i went back and reread from the beginning story is still interesting even after reread trans is good nuff tension is high angst is high we love that art def changed midway thru 43 what does the moon was too bright mean is that the japanese ilu 42 nani 41 new trans kinda confusing 40 wats special bout her blood again 38 the ANGST despite the bad trans thats when u know its ANGSTY 37 dundunDUNN THE MOTHER 36 not bad the struggle is evident and is quite interesting when i free him will he kill me / not love me anymore to the i dont wanna be freed but im brainwashed so how do i know what i want the newer trans is difficult to understand but the gist of the story is still there

Bad Friend

Complete | Hkmi | 2019 released

side 10 cute overall i didnt like how forceful rigon was but it was there since ch 16 65 aw end was cute mc took ml back to the cave where he trained for 10 years 59-60 skipped boring plot been too long remem nothing i just remem it being boring 58 plot 57 communication station 53 51 honestly mc is the most extreme lit died for ml and is bouta do it again 50 wtf NO foreplay from the top is NOT HOT 49 YOOOOO WTF I WAS NOT EXPECTIN AN ILU CONFESSION nice expression too reminds me of his younger days less cheeky more tsundere 46 and i oop the truth has come out the high lord murim is HIS FATHER DUN DUN DUNNNN and the father pulled the whole itachi situation but for not a righteous reason 43 momma a badass 42 his parents 41 sasuke era then sexytimes what a ch lmao 40 sniff sniff i stan communication 39 ofc they all still alive 37 cliffhanger is backkkk 36 my guy has so much free time 34 worries be known! 33 that face! cliffhanger 31 umm that spankin was no bueno but this convo is bouta get spicy 30 awww i teared up 29 whyyy cliffhangersss 28 reuniteddddd 25 i mean he's not wrong haon literally almost killed himself to save rigon so i can see why he's not telling him but dang more miscommunication here we go 24 went back and reread some chapters leading up to their sexy times their dynamic is sooo cute they met up again this chapter too 23 ooo they finally meet again 22 oof he befriended the bad guy 19 oof trapped no wonder the meeting is even more wild 18 haon my selfless boo ;;;; oo i was wrong bout the betrayal (so far) but the incoming longing the angst yesss 17 omfg this has everything i love angst betrayal childhood friends enemies to friends the thing is lit called frenemies on pocket comics the official site pero like plus historical and their hair looks good on both of them i usually dont like long hair but dayum are they sexy plus abs love it all and their feelings are mutual yet somehow hidden and the relationship progressed slowly they went from touching to full on poundtown mmm chefs kiss and now after poundtown is the "betrayal" but we all know it's gonna be a misunderstanding can't wait this is all the shiz i love when the couple are fighting all the time but lowkey bffs

Omega Complex

Complete | Hagong,Todayspring | 2000 released

51 cute but the story truly ended at like 25 42 lmao the way i avoided this cuz i called em stupid in 23 but it was fine they made up 2 chapters later and it was just fluff afterwards until this point literally nothing happened and i just came back cuz i heard there is a side story but its kinda whack the dude is in college the kid is in middle school 23 stupid ass miscommunication they both stupid legit 18 NOT THE DANG CLIFFHANGER THEY BOUTA GET IT ON but omg i like how forward the mc is we stan that for him 17 the classic heat pullin up the right time for the main characters but dang the confession out in the open like that but tbh u in the wrong homie like u didnt confess how tf he supposed to know and u know he dense af he ur bf ofc he wouldnt know mc's personality is hilarious though so goddamn deadpan 16 oof the angst in this story is out of this world just from pure miscommunication and fear good ol fear we love to see it i absolutely love the perspective the artist used when they were arguing really pleasing to the eye and the expressions on their faces they really feel hurt and i feel secondhand hurt although tbh the ml aint got no right he said it with his own mouth they wouldnt be friends if mc was an omega and now he backtracking???? naurrrr that aint it sis although yes mc started it by lying for 5 years my god the last line in ch 16 dont make sense tho like wdym "are u trying to blame it on my post trauma stress" naw homie u still stated like a month ago u still hate omegas thats more than just post trauma stress at that point