Gods X Myself X Brides
deity x human Being taught to respect gods, MC cleans up a forgotten little shrine. Later that night, he gets a visit from the grateful god who offers to fulfill his wish of getting a lover by offering himself as a bride.
5-nin no Ou
Soul Kiss
One day, Hara loses both his parents in a car accident. In his sorrow, he was saved from being run over by the mysterious stranger Al. Since then, they both live together. But when he saw Al with another mysterious man and the mysteries around Al just keep piling up, Hara pushes Al down. Suddenly, wings emerge from Al's back and the mysterious man, now sporting wings as well, from before took Al away. As it turns out, the stranger, Yi, and Al are both Archangel and they were tasked to take Wann's life back then. But when Al saw Hara, he was reminded of his teacher Wann, the man he was secretly in love with. But Wann was branded a traitor and sent to hell for killing 7 Seraphims. When Al had his trial, Yi brought Hara as a sacrifice to save Al. While there, Hara suddenly get flashes of his past life. It turns out, he's Wann and got reincarnated as a human. Back then, he found out that dozens of angels were secretly abducted by the Seraphims and his beloved student Al was supposed to e the next prey. To save him, he killed all of them which included Yi's father. When Yi found the fugitive Wann who wanted to see Al one last time, Yi, who was in love with Al and burning with jealousy, threw Wann down the human's gate. Hara, with his memories as Wann intact now, meets up with All while fleeing from the trial. They decide to go down the hell's gate together. But Yi wants to atone for the sin of tearing Al and Wann apart and absorbed Al's sin (intercourse with a human) and threw both of them down the human gate. Since then, Al (now a human) and Hara have been living in the human world.
Vampire Knight Memories