nothingiwontgive's manga / #twisted(1)

Killing Stalking

Complete | koogi | 2016 released
2020-04-21 00:17 marked

No matter what people say, this isn't a boy's love. This isn't a romance. This isn't a yaoi. This is a psychological thriller. It's a manhwa about a serial killer and a stalker. They just happen to both be boys. And just because they're men doesn't automatically make it into a bl, okay? Yoon Bum is a fucked up individual. The first thing we see him actively do is break into Sangwoo's home. He isn't okay mentally. Though out the chapters we see that he is obsessed with Sangwoo no matter what happens. He won't stop obsessing even after Sangwoo's death. His obsession is what keeps him together. I could go on but I'm not about to psychoanalyze this manhwa. I don't remember everything that happens in this manga, but it is still iconic... so. 8/10