To read for anyone, at any time in life. So many life lessons in this story it should be taught in schools. The pace is slow yet you are kept in angst all the time. The author found the perfect words to convey all the emotions and turmoil the characters experience, from fluffiness and joy to sadness and anger. A true masterpiece on love, friendship, acceptance and the pressure of society in the wrap of school life.
This was....INTENSE ! Beautiful art, interesting characters and very good writing.
Back in Time to You
An amazing story about Yeon-ho, in his late twenties, trying to get over his grief from losing a classmate he liked in high school. Aboie all, before he could get close.... A supernatural turn of event gives him a second chance maybe ? This work is a masterpiece and took away all my tears . It's a shounenai filled with deep bittersweet emotions. I'll read it again some other time for sure, when I'll want my heart torn apart . I read it with the song "what a time" by Julia michaels and Niall Horan on repeat. Recommend 1000% !
Unripened Expression
Beautiful story. The characters are complexe, have depht and are very diverse in their nature. My favorite one, because of the beauty of his heart and the astonishing drawing of his character, is Junseo. I laughed, felt butterflies in my stomach and felt both sad and happy at the end... One of the great pieces I've read this far. The art is as beautiful. Wonderful work.
Anaerobic Love: Prisoner of the Deep Sea
There's a feeling of lightness in this story, like if floating all along, although it's deeply melancholic. But still this intensity.... It must have something to do with the importance of sea and the the omnipresence of water. The story is beautifully written and told.
18 Unlimited
Seriously this is killing me There's just a bunch of shounenai misunderstandings and no real love interest (at chapter 16 at least) but It's soooo funny I can't take it anymore, I've laughéd so much it hurts It's different from 19 days but I feel the same vibe
Gunjou no Subete