The first story left me speachless...Wow, that's sexual tension.
The Blood Of Madam Giselle
Quite disappointed with the lack of coherence in the story-telling. Events follow one another without much link, and lack likelyhood. The smut is a little pointless and where did the romance come from ??? Odd
Ore no Kirai na Senpai
A little disappointed. I'm not a fan of the blushing/getting startled/jumping for everything kind of characters, so that was a set back. Plus, the story wasn't very elaborated: a classic hated rival becoming sex partner/love interest with a lot of smut but not much depth, unfortunately.
Megumi and Tsugumi
Very entertaining, lot of laughs ! But the repetitive pattern of their interactions might get tiring
Long Vacation
Really nice story, interesting and cute. Nicely told. I would have liked it a little longer than a one shot but the pace was just right.
Under Grand Hotel