A great yakuza/cop story ! I love no nonsense characters who are true to themselves, have clear understanding of all the trash that's going on and can take care of themselves. Adult men doing reasonable things to eachother and well balanced intriguing couples. Interesting dynamic !
Usagi no Mori
I love their relationship ! It's sweet, honest and genuine. They just keep it simple and true ! Their personalities are so likable,I would like to befriend them. I would like to see more of this kind of stories. The script is perfect ! Thanks to the author who does an amazing job (I need to go support them officially) and to the people who brought this to us here Edit: it's not all cute and sweet though. The story deals with sexual abuse/overexposure and the trauma that ensues. The relationship between the two boys is complicated and shaky, eventhough they do care for each other...
Old-fashioned Cupcake
Beautiful. Marvellous. Sweet. Smart. Realistic. Funny. Beautiful. Must read. Has more of a shounenai vibe than yaoi though they are in their 30s-40s. Perfect. I could cry over how great this piece is ! The story is so sweet and smartly told ! And those dialogues, i'm in love with them . It's so rare to come across realistic, natural, smart and witty dialogues in any genre, it's a gem!! Just pure romance perfection. I want that everyday
Dragon & Basement
So so good ! The story is light and fun at the beginning but gets deeper, more intricate and complex the more we go. It's very well told, the art is beautiful, the characters are wonderfully crafted. Can't wait for season 2 !
Harukaze no Etranger
The story is really good ! The art is gorgeous. It'd like a long slice of life. We follow the members of the family through an extended period, witness the struggles that come with making your parents accept a gay partner, discovering a new family member (little brother), how the little one handles the new couple and the reactions in school, etc... Everything seems so natural, real. It's calming to read but not in a boring way, it's funny and lively, with all the drama of Life. I love it. Again, gorgeous art !
Umibe no Etranger
I can't get enough of this atmosphere. It makes me feel hopeful, like life is beautiful and love is possible and around the corner. Sooner or later it will be fine, even if it's a little tough along the way... I'm glad I found this story, my heart is full of hope and joy for them. I started with the sequel by mistake but it's ok. The art is gorgeous, which is just the icing on the cake.
Beware of the Villainess!
This is the perfect response to some of the stupidest romance comics/novels tropes with "weak" female leads that only suffer from the choices made by (shitty) male characters and vilainesses that only resent other females and not the real culprits. Ugh. I love Melissa ! I love this comic !
Golden Sparkle
Such a nice read. Cute, nice and exciting ! Two highschool friends who find in each other the strenght to overcome their middle school and and previous insecurities and simply discover themselves. This gave me so much hope. Could be helpfull for many I think.
Tada Omoukoto wa