Totally Captivated Side Stories - Webtoon Edition
Back to School: All Grown Up
The ml wasn't bad tbh but I feel more for jihyun. I don't mean he should've ended up with chiwoo tho. I think he should've found a way to free himself from his toxic family's influence and let go of his past and learnt from it. Not justifying him but he was never taught how to love, never had anyone to love him and he loved chiwoo but he never knew how to express his love in a proper way and loved him in a way which came closest to how he was treated and he lost him forever. His life was fucked over by the so called adults who were supposed to love and guide him, he's a victim of circumstances and he became his own monster and I can't help feeling for him because it's relatable, not all victims get to win the battle and become a stronger person better person, trauma doesn't make you kind and strong but we taught themselves how to be not what we hate, but often times many fail along the way. Many perish and of those that preserve become abnormalities the society hates. Society point the monsters out and never who and why such monsters even came to being. Oh well anyway jihyun you fcked up bro, get on with it
Karasugaoka Don't be shy!! 2