Momochi-san Chi No Ayakashi Ouji
I loved uncovering the mysteries of the house and the people (or ayakashi) living in it alongside the fl. The fl definitely isn't a damsel in distress and tries hard to help others. Many cute moments with fl and ml. The ending leaves for many unanswered questions but I'm satisfied with it.
The Taming of The Tyrant
The fl's values are messed up. In her attempt to get revenge, she influences others to live a life filled with blood and doomed to suffering. Nonetheless, the story is interesting and I will follow this to see if the fl will get better or remain obsessed with revenge.
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Meido no Koi wa Enma Shidai!
It's super fluffy! Both the fl and ml are so cute. The translations get harder to understand starting from chapter 22 so just gonna wait for someone to upload better translation.
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess