Yagi to Ookami no Hatsujou Jijou
07/24 thos author really does make good lines and good seksu (dos okabe same author) people errr species from other planet infiltrate earth to study humans but lo and behold they used to be bestfriends but got estranged as they had secrets to keep, the goat one. who is actually a chimera of wolf and used to hurt the wolf uke.
Kamisama no Uroko
REREADABLE 07.24 Dragon takes bride. it was so well done. tsukasa at the ending tho is sus. the pacing was not a bit off. story was well crafted. the xxx scenes are nice broo mc loves kissing rin's forehead, i go melt melt
Chew Me up and Teach Me About Love
11/10 damn brooo hitomi (sub) thiugh he's weak, has a strong personality. like he's really a guy. I LOVE THAT HE CONFESSED. and the way this story handles their personalities and the way it introduces realistic struggles is commendable
Rabbits Ejaculate in 3 Seconds