i love the twist that this manga has and i can't wait for more! and ofc i'm cheering for the main character! GET THEM GIRL! SPOILER ALERT i wish he could be a billionaire still...
MEmergence (Metamorphosis)
that's something for sure.... O////O
Made in Abyss
every next part of it is not disappointing... in a good AND bad meaning knowing how dark it can be
It’s so fucked up but so interesting in many ways, definitely recommend for someone with strong stomach and open mind
The Man Who Saved Me on my Isekai Trip is a Killer
I know it's rape, and a sexual harassment but i kinda like it, but he's a psycho for sure... BUT i do have to say that i love the segment with just one perspective and multiple sex positions, it's rare to see those
Feel as Much as You Know
Too good cant wait for more and how it will all unfold
Unbalance X 3