Futsuu ni Koi Shite
Joins new company with boss from former company. Boss has serious problems with stalkers, people who wants to get close to him and so on. Only surrounds himself with people who aren't interested in him. *House burns down *Starts hanging out *Falls in love but is afraid to admit it because of the weird shit happening to the boss *Boss has lawyer brother helping him out
Ryu no Otto Boukoku no Kami
Dragon god only wants company *Makes a deal to only continue to protect the land if the prince (army general) of the country becomes his husband *Overheard prince talking sweetly about dragon being alone as a child *Prince has longer life *Dragon starts his transformation by inserting his scale into prince *Prince becomes dragon in the end (in human form) *Dragon didn't protect the kingdom at all, it was always the people *Prince protects dragon from people *Dragon licking *Dragon loves people. but has accidentally killed them before
Itsuka Tomodachi Ja Nakunaru To Shite Mo