Family, Now and Forever
Seme works at restaurant and falls in love with uke *Uke thinks he's funny *Uke is the leader of a motorcycle gang *sleeping together *Can't eat alone *Says he'll quit if seme can beat him up *seme works out, but in the end he is not able to hurt uke *Uke beats him *Don't have contact for a while *seme turns up at his door with a crying kid (not his) *Uke falls in love and wants to move in a become a family
Our Sweet 1R
Roomates *Has sex pretty much every night, can't resist *Uke gets scared he's addicted to sex and decides to not sleep with seme for a while *Seme gets very sad and thinks he's over him *Can't fit anymore *apology *Goes looking for seme when he runs off *Cute
Nakimushi Akuma no Maria-kun
Seme's crush "dies" and a demon offers him a wish for his soul *Seme wishes that demon looks like his crush *Seme rapes demon all the time *Crush isn't really dead *Reaper is after seme *Seme chooses demon in the end
Kyuuketsuki ha shinzo no yume wo miru
Vampire seme "adopted" uke as a child *Seme is looking for his "heart" and sleeps with anyone who asks him to *Uke professes his love and they are sleeping together *Seme rejects his feelings - he is not his heart *Uke leaves home and seme refuses to eat *Realizes he is his heart and gives it to uke to eat Second couple: vampire x vampire. Shows up and gets him to kill him by killing the person whom has his heart *Wishes he could die with him *So sweet
Junai Junbi
Marriage hunting *Seme approaches uke *Is really staff *Uke doesn't wanna disappoint his grandmother and hasn't realised that he is gay *Seme takes him out *Slow pace *Nice seme *Waits for him *cute *chase after him
Shucchou Host Nyu Boy
Gay guy who just wants love turns to a "host" and pretends to be a female client. Just wants to hold hand and be loved. Host agrees to do him. They both fall in love. MC is so happy that he treats him normal. Quits his job. Angsty and beautiful
Koi Ni Nare!
Student x Sensei/ dorm supervisor Roomate finds out MC is gay and sets him up for a date *Date is Sensei that MC hates *Sensei is sweet and uke starts to like him *Sensei = "playboy" flirty and off limits *Uke faints in bath *Overhears sensei refuse another student because she's "off limits" *Uke wants to go on another date to forget him, seme is the one who shows up and confronts him *Runs after him *Kiss *Wait half a year to be together
Hakidame to Tsuru
Student x Sensei/ dorm supervisor Roomate finds out MC is gay and sets him up for a date *Date is Sensei that MC hates *Sensei is sweet and uke starts to like him *Sensei = "playboy" flirty and off limits *Uke faints in bath *Overhears sensei refuse another student because she's "off limits" *Uke wants to go on another date to forget him, seme is the one who shows up and confronts him *Runs after him *Kiss *Wait half a year to be together
Koishite Hoshii