Goukaku no Tame no! Yasashii Sankaku Kankei Nyuumon
I havent fangirl for a manga in a while, I love the teaching how to kiss trope, this was so wholesome, although i would've loved for a little bit of more development between the black hair and the brown hair girls :(( but other than that i recommend it ;D
This manwha was so cute, adorable, wholesome everything was perfect, I can see the reason why it ended because it was te right time for the main couple but im still sad about it, even though i feel like the side stories needed more development we were left on the air with the student and teacher story and the fashion designer and her boyfriend story, this was a really good read, i followed this story for a while and im nostalgic about the ending but happy about the resolution of the main couple <3333
Ring my Bell