Fucked by My Best Friend
It is very problematic. Lots of things that are not okay. Like the guy being his girl version and being sexually harassed by guys and then the friend thats fricking him saying that when he was being molested, it turned hi on. There are other examples of problematic things like this. The characters are said to be friends for a long time, but since you dont know much about them or their friendship, that connection is non-existent. It isnt until way later into the story that you get to see some of their history as friends. It seems like a whole different manga during that part honestly. The majority of this manga is sex. The first time the seme fricks his friend would be rape but they dont draw light to that. Not good.
Nights Before Night
A couple that existed before hand. The uke's lover had passed away, but later met his younger brother. The Uke has to take care of the brother since people are after him (yakuza).
Darlin', Iikagen ni Shiya Gare
I thought that this story would be longer, but I sorta liked its shortness. Country Japanese farm boy meets have Japanese half Italian boy. They hit it off and start spending more time together, when italian boy kisses farm boy on the cheek as a greeting and farm boy blushes.
Hetakuso Love Step
I really enjoyed this story. I have read Sugar Dog by the same author and that story is also really cute. In this story, A dark haired shy guy is asked my his female friend if he could fake being her boyfriend to get this player guy to leave her alone. He doesn't want to, but since she already showed him a picture of the shy friend, he doesn't have much of a choice. He meets the blonde player guy and he wants to talk to him saying "you're so and so's boyfriend, right?" When the player starts asking personal sex questions about his fake girlfriend, he tells the player that they haven't done it. The player asks him to go to the bathroom with him, leads him into a stall and then confronts him about what he said saying that normally a boyfriend would get mad at someone who spoke like that about their girlfriend. "you're not actually dating, are you?" The shy guy thinks he's gonna get beat up, but the player says he wants to hang out with him. He wants to teach him about sex stuff. He starts making moves on the shy guy and it does seem rapey at first but then the blonde player guy does ask for his consent and whether or not he wants to continue and the shy guy does consent saying he wants to know what it will feel like. As "friends" who keep sleeping together, when they shy guy starts to develop feelings, he is afraid that he will end up being hurt. He starts to fear this and before the blonde player can dump him, he tells him that he no longer wants to go along with him. To this the player says "I'm done". It takes this for the player to realize that he does like the shy guy and that he does want an actual relationship. They confess and it is very cute.
Terano-kun to Kumazaki-kun
Student council president x delinquent. They met when a teacher asks the prez to check up on the delinquent. The Prez shows kindness but the delinquent always responds coldly. As the Prez keeps trying he starts to see a different side of the delinquent. He starts to see his cute side. The Pres starts to find himself blushing around the delinquent and has a desire to touch him. The delinquent starts blushing around him too. As the school year ends and thoughts of a new year and being in a new class without the delinquent rise to the surface, the prez goes for it an asks the delinquent to go out with him. I thought this story was very cute, just like the other works I have read from this author. The art is always so good and the characters always look so cute.
Dull and Sweet
This ended very quickly. The book is closed for this manga but there has to be more. This was just the start of a story, and a good one at that. This is super promising. I love the air-headed seme and I would love to see their relationship progress. Man walks into a gay bar and asks “where are all the women?” The bartender is living a double life. During the day he's in the office and at night he’s working at a gay bar. While hes working a new guy comes in and says that. He finds out that the guy is straight and he is looking for a wedding party. They part ways with the straight guy saying that he feels like he knows the bartender. The next day hes at the office and he bumps into someone and its the straight guy from last night. The company is holding a drinking party for the new guy (straight guy) and straight guy tells bartender that he would be happy if he went. The bartender goes because he is afraid that the new guy might spills the beans about his other place of work. The new guy gets really drunk and the bartender is the one who ends up having to take him home. Since the new guy wont wake up and give the bartender his address, the bartender takes the new guy back to his place. When walking through the doorway of his place while supporting the new guy on his back, they trip on a step into the room and fall to the ground. The new guy wakes up, takes off the bartender's glasses and says "you look cuter without your glasses." This makes the bartender blush and the new guy leans in like hes about to kiss the bartender but then he passes out again. This makes the bartender hard and he jerks off in the other room. That is it; that's all there is rn. I really want more of this story.
Koi no Shikata, Oshiete Kudasai
Since the story is a one shot it was very short with not much in it to really feel any connection between the characters. Its more of just like a cute little short story that you can read to maybe just improve your mood or keep you entertained for a short moment of time. These stories tend to struggle with feeling sort of empty. The story was okay. The guy has to learn korean, takes korean language class and is not a very social person, as he states. Teacher walks in, teacher is hot, guy likes hot teacher cause he's really hot. The teacher notices that he seems distracted in class and after the guy explains his situation, the teacher says that he will give the student private lessons. Meeting privately is where they would be getting to know eachother. but we only see the first, and as far as we know, only extra lesson session they have together. The Student sees the professor out and about with a guy and then for some reason the student thinks he has the right to start prying into the life of the professor, asking him what his relationship was with the guy and the professor was all like "thats not ur concern" and im like fr. The guy was just a friend and he coulda just said that. The student confesses and they two have sex but you dont get to see anything really actually. I thought there would be more, but i suppose this is an older one-shot. It was okay.
Shinobeba Koi
Like shut up omg this was so cute. This is a side story of a brother from another story. I've read that one. This was so good. A kid goes out to enjoy the nightlife. He walks past a bike gang and a member meets eyes with him as if to say "come here". He's the leader of the group. The kid wants to ride on the back of his bike. Other members tell him that the leader doesn't let anyone ride on his bike. Girls beg him to let them sit on the backseat all the time. The leader asks him what his worst subject in school is. He tells him if he gets perfect marks on the next test he will let him ride. This motivates the kid and he succeeds. He gets to ride with the leader. He holds onto the leader tightly as they speed off together. Other members tell the kid that that was the longest he has ever ridden with anyone. After noticing that the leader is giving the kid special treatment, other members of the group start to try and fight the kid. During a fight the leader takes the kid away on his bike back to his place. As they are sitting by the heater in his place, the leader brings mouth close to the kid's. He licks him and asks him if he wants to continue. The two make love and in the morning the leader wakes up to find that the kid is gone. We see them older, as you do in the beginning of the story. The leader says that He regrets that night. That he regrets it because he never said I love you first. He wants to talk about it since they spent 4 years not talking about it since they met again. He wants to know why he left and if he likes him. It was refreshing to read this manga. It was very good.
Ringo ni Hachimitsu
This had a collection of short stories. The first one was about a guy who once saw a gay couple at the beach. They acted like they were in their own world. They didn't care that people could be watching. Then its the guy and his friends on the beach and he's dating a dark-haired tall guy in the group, but his friends don't know. The dark haired guy doesn't wanna hide anymore. The blonde guy recalls the gay couple he saw when he was young to his partner. He later agrees with his bf that he can tell people about them. The next story is I believe the same characters from the beach one but how they met. The blonde guy was seeing a man who wants to get married to a woman but still keep the blonde guy around. After he tells him, he stops seeing him. I think they are in college. The dark haired guy has a curry club and asks the blonde guy to join. The man the blonde guy was seeing shows up at his school and tries to get him to stay with him. The tall dark-haired guy sees and says something like "homos?" Before the man was holding his hand, but when the dark-haired guy made himself known, the man let go of his hand. When the dark-haired guy finds out that the blonde guy is gay, the blonde guy is surprised that he still wants to be around him. They hang out more and one day the blonde guy agrees to check out his curry club. Turns out the curry club is just the guys house, and him, and no one else. They go into his house and then the dark-haired guy calls the other guy dense and then he steals a kiss from the blonde guy. The dark haired guys says that he's been into him for awhile. That one was good. Then There's one about a guy who goes to see the guy he had a crush on ten years ago. He thinks that the world is going to end because the Mayan calendar is ending. He shows up at the guys house and explains this. This one was a lot more emotionally deep than the other ones. The guy talks about how its been so long and how he has someone, but he hasn't been able to get over the person that this guy once was, and that he's been searching, looking for parts of the version of him that he loved in him. The blonde guy who thinks the world is going to end seems to be growing on the dark-haired guy. The dark-haired guy asks the blonde guy to cut his hair. He makes it look like how it used to; the hair of the person he loved. He starts to cry, and the two of them kiss, and in the morning the dark haired guy finds a note from the blonde guy that says he went to work. There's no hint that they will meet again or that any real relationship has formed. Its as if the guy kissed the dark-haired guy's past self and was then able to move on. I don't even really recall what else there was and I just read this.
Erotoro R18