Added to re-reads. said nothing about it guy goes to new school which is a school said to be filled with delinquents. Guy has to join a club, but all of them are martial arts and scary. Club members case him through the halls wanting him to join their clubs. He runs to hide in a room for the “BIO Club”, a club that his older brother warned him about. The guy from the bio club room starts trying to fight the guy and chases him outside. The bio club guy knocks off the guy’s glasses, thinking that he looks familiar. Without being able to see, glasses guy elbows bio club dude and he falls to the ground. The guy from the bio club is supposedly the strongest at their high school. The guy from bio club, says to glasses guy, “I’m in love”.The guy from the club wants to be glasses guy’s lackey, but glasses guy just wants a friend. The club guy tells glasses guy that he has always wanted to do it with someone in the club room, with someone stronger than him. After spending time together, glasses guy realizes that he has fallen for the club member. He confesses, but then the club member says he’s not in love with him anymore. Glasses guy decides to challenge the club member to an actual fight. Thats when club member tells him that he looks just like the guy he first fell in love with. The club guy seemed pretty attached to his first love, but then he sort of suddenly didn’t care so much anymore. The two of them get together 2nd story. A student wants to change. He wants to become someone else. He goes out to do that. He buys new clothes to look grunge and he wants to dye his hair blonde. He goes into a salon and gets laughed at by this guy with tall spiky hair. They next shops he goes to want to stop him from doing what he wants. He bumps into the spiky hair guy at a store while buying hair dye to do it on his own. The spiky hair guy tells him that he was sorry for before and has an apology he would dye his hair for free. They spend some time together and spiky hair guy tells the student what he has wanted to hear. He starts to cry and the spiky hair guy licks his tears. They kiss and the student asks the guy out. The guy says “only when you grow three cm more down there.” This story was kind of lacking and the two never do it either, which is what had seemed to be leading up to.
Mikami to Sato wa Mada Yamashikunai