Koi no Shikata, Oshiete Kudasai
Since the story is a one shot it was very short with not much in it to really feel any connection between the characters. Its more of just like a cute little short story that you can read to maybe just improve your mood or keep you entertained for a short moment of time. These stories tend to struggle with feeling sort of empty. The story was okay. The guy has to learn korean, takes korean language class and is not a very social person, as he states. Teacher walks in, teacher is hot, guy likes hot teacher cause he's really hot. The teacher notices that he seems distracted in class and after the guy explains his situation, the teacher says that he will give the student private lessons. Meeting privately is where they would be getting to know eachother. but we only see the first, and as far as we know, only extra lesson session they have together. The Student sees the professor out and about with a guy and then for some reason the student thinks he has the right to start prying into the life of the professor, asking him what his relationship was with the guy and the professor was all like "thats not ur concern" and im like fr. The guy was just a friend and he coulda just said that. The student confesses and they two have sex but you dont get to see anything really actually. I thought there would be more, but i suppose this is an older one-shot. It was okay.
Yozora no Sumikko de
This story has supposedly ended but I didn't feel like it was done. I was hoping to see the two of them be more romantic and touchy but alas this is not a yaoi. In this story, the characters are reunited. They knew each other in high school and they met when the uke joined the seme's astronomy club. 11 years later, the uke is a teacher and the seme's son is his student. At times the story confused me. I know that the two of them liked each other when they were in high school. The seme had made some moves on the uke when he had given him a pen with stars on it. Back to the present, the two are surprised to see each other. They end up seeing each other often due to the seme's rowdy kid. The uke ends up going over to the seme's place. I forget what was said there, but the next day the uke realizes that he lost his special pen. He goes to the seme's house to ask if its there and when the seme asks "Is this what you're looking for", he gives the uke a kiss. The seme's son is adopted. His previous girlfriend had already had a child and she passes away in a plane crash. I wish there was more smooching between the characters. But there is a cute part thats set in the future in 2 years and they like together and the son has grown uo and the uke is making them dinner. It was so cute.
Sensei Datteyarashii Koto Shitai