Yugami Hajime
read this one in a Harada compilation book.
Wakatte Kudasai
Thought it would be fluff but it was straight up rape and stalking
The Lazy Son and His Naughty Secretary
I thought that this one was gonna be a cute one but, nah, it's got rape. When people complain in the comments about rape and say things like I did, like, "I thought this one was going to be good untill the rape stuff", other people will argue that its fine because its fictional. IMO, fictional or not, rape is disturbing and terrible and in stories like this, i can no longer enjoy the manga. The character who was raped was going to tell his father that the secretary tha raped him was a pervert, but then said he coulcn't say that, why??? You totally could and then he said something like, "and it even felt good and he even made me come" like??? The way these stories make rape seem like no big deal is so unnerving. Like, the character will acknowledge its rape and then be like "but it felt good". The story had potential to be good. That being said, I didn't actually read the whole thing; not interested. I'm not gonna rate it either.
Prescription for a Lonely Boy Who Wants Love
This one does have a rape scene. Its forced, unwanted sex. They do the thing where the seme gets jealous and mad over something and so he forces himself on the uke. It was okay besides those parts. It's a shame because it could have been cute. The seme apologizes for it like twice maybe three times and the uke forgives him. If you disregard that part, the ending is good. Not that great imo. I looked at the other manga by this author and turns out that I have already read a work of theirs that I did not finish and gave no stars and tagged as only rape because it had rape as well. I guess that is something the author is into.
Doushiyoumonai Renjo
UMMMMMM This is the WORST/ most intense example of the rape trope in yoai that I have ever seen. Its such a shame because the story seemed really cute and I was not expecting anything like that. There are these rape warnings in the book that are sort of being rude to the people who don't want to see rape, which I thought was kinda mean and disrespectful. It gave off this attitude of like thinking these people who don't wanna see it are "babies" or something along those lines Anyways, holy shit. Usually when yoai has this rape trope it happens like once and its not even always that obvious that its rape, but with this one it was known and obvious in plain sight. The uke was raped three times where practically all he ever said was "no", "stop", and even "please stop, I'm begging you". The seme would always be like "tHeN y R u fEeLinG iT tHeN??" "wHY aRe y0u hARd??" and its like b r u h, its a natural reaction but it doesnt change the fact that it was unwanted and not consensual. THEN to make it WORSE, the uke BLAMES HIMSELF FOR THE SEMES ACTIONS!!!!! like omfg. This shit makes me worried about the young kids using this site and possibly reading these. Its such a disappointment honestly, cause the story started off really cute and instead of helping the uke be comfortable with his sexuality, instead of having them spend more time together and become more comfortable, the seme TIES HIM UP (TWICE) and rapes him. In the end the seme is like "I don't like what I have become" "I don't know what I'll do next" "stay away from me" and all that. The seme lets the uke blame himself despite that. The uke said that it was his fault because he wanted to be "normal" and he was scared of what other people would think. He would push the seme away and he had called him gross when he was a kid. This does not at all make it his fault. The uke obviously needed time to work things out and figure out his sexuality, what the seme did was fucked up. One page legit had the seme holding the ribbon he used to tie up and rape the uke before, his face was scary/angry as he looked at it and said something like "I WON"T LET HIM GET AWAY". When I saw that, like my god. Such a shame. I really wish authors wouldn't ruin their stories with this garbage. It had such potential.
Nani Ka Ii No Mitsuketa!
rape. The story may be good so i'll give it a chance. The rape is of course fictional and its very common for yoai to romanticize rape. In this story, the uke says that they are being raped and that they see it as rape. So though it may be fictional, it still urks me and makes me want to stop reading. I have a hard time enjoying the story if I can't really like the character.
Renai Saiban no Yukue
The stories did not appeal to me very much. Rape was mentioned in the first story and after that i was skimming the stories and i eventually stopped reading it. The characters are eh and the stories are eh. Since you don't know much about the characters the stories don't have much of an impact.
Ouji No Hakoniwa