Uchi no Ani no Renai Jijou
y u make him wait so long :^( brother x brother story Araragi Toumi and Tetsuo are stepbrothers since Toumi's parents—distant relatives of the Araragis—died and the other relatives refused to adopt him. His home with the Araragi family has been so warm, loving and welcoming that his loyalty to them suppresses his erotic passion for Tetsuo. Tetsuo, on the other hand, is frank and accepting of his homosexuality, but all his love affairs have come to sad endings, so he will not risk another painful breakup with someone he loves as deeply as his stepbrother, especially after the trauma which preceded Toumi's adoption triggers seizures when he's away from their family.
Kabeana Heaven Hole
I'm not usually one for incest manga, but this was actually quite enjoyable.
Iki o Hisomete, Koi o