Fujimi no Meinichi
This manga was a wild ride from beginning to end! These two are so freakin chaotic that it was inevitable for them to end up together. The premise of the story baffled me to no end but it also got a lot of fluff and heartwarming moments. And they're both so lovey doveyyyy i love it so much.
Die If You Aren't A Virgin
Their rs and dynamic are so entertaining to read. I get that Seok is very unhinged and borderline toxic and i would NOT want a significant other like him but Gyutae wants to, very much, and he can actually stand up to Seok's bullshit so it all works out in the end.
Mamotte Agetai Sawatari-san
Arashi no Ato
There was little chemistry between the two MCs and sometimes it seemed like they didn't even like each other? It could've gone the same route as Yoneda Kou's Reply and it would've been a better romance story without sacrificing the "realism" but oh well...... i still kinda liked the vibe of this manga though. Could've been a personal bias since Hidaka Shoko's one of the very first BL mangakas i know.
Yabun ni Kyuuketsu Shitsureishimasu