Morning Coffee, Afternoon Milk - Ookiku Furikabutte dj
Love Story of Hoshino Zoo
A collection of romances unknown to the human species. *Kurihara = human that can see the human apperance of these animals and also can speak wirh them all too.* Ch 1&5 = "Tsutsuki and Shippo": Tsutsuki (bird japanese tits) x Shippo (japanese squirrel) => A new squirrel friend comes to the zoo and Tsutsuki, a Japanese tit, is worried about his wellbeing. What can the little bird do to help the new kid out? Ch 2 = "Beat and Nanada": Beat (rockhopper peanguin) x Nanada (penguin kepper) => Beat is a Rockhopper Penguin and Mr. Nanada is his caretaker. Will Beat be able to overcome the language barrier and tell Nanada how he really feels? Ch 3-4 = "Ollie and Rankan": Ollie (brunette lion) x Rankan (blonde lion) => Rankan and Leo came to Hoshino Zoo from the wild. Rankan looked up to Leo and was always by his side... but he quickly learns that his place next to Leo was fleeting. So when Leo's son Ollie attaches himself to Rankan, all he can do is protect himself from being abandoned again. Ch 6 = "Kurihara and Oka": Kurihara (6th sense human, skill at art) x Oka (megane human, skill at photography) => Kurihara has been able to talk to animals since he was a child and has always seen them as human. But he would never dare tell any other human that for fear he might be bullied again. Recently, though, Kurihara isn't the only person that visits the zoo often. Who is that new boy clumsily trying to take pictures of everyone? Ch. 7-8 & extra = "Susutake and Jin" Jin (giraffe) Susutake (wild black kite bird) => A wild black kite who was weaker than the other kite birds at their own theritory and also felt that he doesn't belong there, so he go outside out of his turf and arrived at the zoo and suddenly bump into Jin the zoo's giraffe. He always told that to not believe other animals outside his turf so that he doesn't got any bullies bcz he was weak, but the warmest and kindest he felt since he met Jin is what he always long for, that the other animals is not all gonna always bully him. Ch. 9 = "Pino and Jean" Jean (newbie sheep at the zoo) x Pino (lambkin sheep) => Pino was only one kind of lambkin sheep at the zoo with the rest of goats when suddenly the newbie kind of lambkin sheep got there which he has soft fur and cool look but shy inside and doesn't really make conversation. So the couple's old goats help Pino to make conversation with Jean. Ch. 10-11 = "Ruby and Raol" Raol (cage barn owl) x Ruby (blue bird of happines) => Ruby was cheerful and loud kind of blue bird, when suddenly his nest was messed up by humas who was looking at the bird and squirrel couple. So he decided to look for a place where he can rebuilt his nest but instead he got where candleberries are grows near the wood where he met with big bird which is Raol the cage owl.
Naruto dj - Tsuchi ha Barairo, Sora niha Hibari