Badday Dreamers
nothing cute or hot about rape also adding another word in front of consent doesn’t stop it from being rape
Yankee no Tsuda-kun wa Seito Shidou no Masuda-sensei to Naka ga Warui
Two Sions
nothing more off putting than a homophobic main love interest (who also thinks it’s ok to sexually assault people) the day authors kill this trope along with many other disgusting tropes will be a good day for us gays
Hochichirui Hitoka
could’ve been decent but authors always know exactly how to ruin it
Matching ga Seiritsu shimasita Jishou Elite to Usotsuki Daigakusei
of course it’s rape what else would it be? someone needs to jump these authors so they can stop with this bullshit
Non-Aid Relationship
I see the group translating this is full of racist cunts who think being offensive makes them different you and this dickhead of an author can all choke
Counter Offensive
blondie can drop dead from a high building dirty rapist fuck I can’t stand yaoi authors
Hetakuso Love Step