Interview with a Murderer
Don't know what to think about the ending but it was really interesting.
Shin'ai naru Boku e Satsui wo komete À première vue, Eiji, discret et maladroit, ne se démarque pas de la foule des étudiants de sa fac... Pourtant, il tente depuis longtemps de faire oublier au monde que son défunt père n'était autre que le tueur en série LL, tristement célèbre pour les horribles tortures infligées aux jeunes femmes qu'il a assassinées. Après des années passées à fuir la presse, Eiji a enfin réussi à trouver sa place. Mieux, il se réveille un matin avec une des plus belles filles du campus à ses côtés ! Elle lui avoue être tombée amoureuse de lui lorsqu'il l'a sauvée des griffes d'une brute épaisse. Un vrai conte de fées... dont le jeune homme n'a aucun souvenir ! Les trois derniers jours sont un trou noir dans sa mémoire, comme si quelqu'un d'autre avait vécu dans son corps à son insu... Et, pendant son amnésie, un cadavre de femme mutilé a été retrouvé dans le quartier. Pour la police, ça ne fait aucun doute : c'est du LL tout craché...
I'm Dating a Psychopath
I read it until around ch14 or smth when it was on canvas, and then it got into webtoon official so it's a reboot. So it's obvious Isaac isn't Noah (Finn's childhood friend who killed her dad for her). And Isaac met Finn before, probably after her dad died, and is also looking for Noah. Noah is probably related to the scars on Isaac. So Isaac approached Finn to try to lure out Noah who kinda disappeared after being released from prison. Ok, ch26 makes us learn that Isaac is Noah's younger brother (step brother, Isaac's father married Noah's mother)! And that Noah killed their mother and Finn was there too (she had a flash of a woman dressed the same way and all but doesn't remember yet ; Isaac is pissed at her bc she doesn't take any responsibilities since she doesn't remember). Later on, he said she was his prey. THEORIES : - "the one texting her about the meaning of the flower is Noah (probably the serial killer too), Isaac and Noah are probably brothers. I think Isaac is messing with Finn because he hates Noah for killing his mom and he knows Noah has an obsession with Finn." - "The first serial killer is Noah and the third kill was by Issac."
An Uncomfortable Truth