Hero and Shero Webtoon
The story is quite complicated and not that interesting, about her having a power inside her because her mom wanted to save her life. But because she took this power from their world, it collapsed hence what happened at the beginning of the story, where Rowan ran away from his world. Anyway, I read the first few chapters and the last, but the season 1 ends on a cliffhanger so let's wait season 2 to read it completely. Btw the romance is absolutely not the focus, it's only about models at the beginning then super powers. It's hinted here and there that Rowan at least has feelings for her but she doesn't show much feelings, besides at the end of the season. "Of course it hints at it a little with some cutesy stuff and the very end makes it look like there might be some romance in season 2. If that ever comes out. But this is mostly an action story with super powers."
The Roommate Agreement
Chief Seduction Officer Webtoon
Frau Faust
"Johanna est une jeune érudite qui vagabonde de ville en ville à la recherche de quelque chose qui lui est très précieux. Un jour, elle fait la rencontre fortuite de Marion, un garçon qui la bouscule lorsqu'il tente de fuir un homme à qui il a tenté de dérober des livres. Désemparé, il explique alors à Johanna qu'il est sans le sou et vit dans la misère avec sa pauvre famille. Touchée, la jeune femme décide de le prendre sous son aile et lui propose de devenir son professeur, à condition qu'il l'aide dans sa quête…" Nautiljon
The Lady and Her Butler