I Gave Birth To A Murderer's Child
The drawings (and translation) get worse at a point when it's quite ugly sometimes. Too bad, it was not that bad at first. And why the hell are we not talking about the Duke's curse anymore ? He lose his damn eyesight each night but yolo no one cares ? Wtf. Also, they are often talking about revenge this revenge that but they do nothing ?? And to finish, the Duke is supposed to be a MURDERER and really EVIL and COLD but where ???? Niti/Nitense (wtf is that name tho) is cute but not enough to save this story. Okay tier at most.
Into the light once again
The Ml is Luminas, the God of Light/Spirit King with golden eyes and hair. And Marianne aka Trashta 2.0 will die, burned at the stake in the middle of the square. Also, the previous father of the FL will die and be remplaced by the older brother who will also die (bc of Marianne ? but not sure about that info). "The only thing I dislike about this is that mc is reborn as fair and pretty and thus loved. It would've been better if she had kept her original colors and still be loved" <- Completely agree with that "I dropped "into the light once again" visually it's one of the most stunning manhwa I've read art-wise but I couldn't stand how PERFECT the FL and everything in her life is like the absolute text book definition of a mary sue who could do NO wrong perfect looks, perfect brains, perfect personality, perfect family and of course she's born with magic abilities that literally no one else has ever had and no matter what she does everyone loves her and if that wasn't enough the ML is literally GOD (I'm not fucking joking) the guy is supposedly the "king of spirits" so he's like this kingdom's God figure and so obviously he loves her because she's JUST THAT SPECIAL and UNIQUE the story also just KEEPS dragging in the most exasperating way, it's almost chapter 80 and still NOTHING HAS BEEN ACHIEVED for her so called revenge it's not like I expect realism from reading something with fantasy tags but this just feels so one dimensional"
Zetsubou ni Nake
Two-Faced Princess
The Emperor, her father, killed her mother and maternal grandfather because he wanted the throne and because the grandfather had killed his true lover but we don't know much about that (at first he was a knight, he was not from an imperial family whatsoever). After some years, he and his sister planed to marry Apolinna to some other prince from other countries to get rid of her. But with the help of her maids (sometimes without them knowing ?) she broke off all her engagement : she made her fiancees fall in love with the maid that went the best with them (by their family lineage, their apperance, etc.). Why ? Because she wants revenge on him and his family and wants to have the throne back, by marrying her maids, she gets more support as well. Btw pretty sure that the brother is not blood related since at the beginning her mother said to the asshole that she took and raised his son as her own. But for whatever reason his black hair became blond when he grew up. NB : The ML is obviously Uriel/Yuriel, grey hair and blue eyes. He was sent as an assassin to kill her (by the sister of the Emperor) but failed and she rescued him and kept him by her side. (they confessed ch68)
Juujika no Rokunin
To You We Were Demons
Doppio Senso
I Will Fall With The Emperor
newtoki164.com/webtoon/24208430?stx=황제와+함께+타락하겠습니다&title=황제와-함께-타락하겠습니다 They are both kinda crazy. The Fl did a 180° drift after she died, forget about the slow descent to madness land. She still acted kind-ish at the end of the 10 years of shit so it was pretty strange how she could become so cold and cruel the next day. The ML is a shitty emperor, who is a tyrant with 6 concubines and treats them like they don't exist. They are here for political reason (mostly money pb with their country or smth like that) and if they useless it's go back home. He is cold hearted, doesn't seem to know the words kindness or pity.
The Lady’s Dark Secret
Estelle didn't really reincarnated, it's more like she took the appareance of Juvelle/Jewell. From what I understood at least. She spent 600 years in "hell" (not called like that in the story) but came back in time - kind of, the time spent in "hell" flows differently or smth but she still came back in time- to around the moment she was sent as a sacrifice for the devil (or around that time? not sure exactly). She came back bc the devils/demons want to see her shining soul get crushed or smth and bc she doesn't have a lot of time left anyway (like she run out of soul's battery lmao). Btw she did a 180° turn REALLY quickly, like she was still pure after 600y of torture and all (that we didn't see, she was just sitting and talking to the devil) but after the devil showed her that the people who sacrificed her were happy, boom she became tainted-ish and wants nothing but revenge. The fuck ? Then, since it would be useful (and since she betrayed her but we didn't see that tho) she took the appareance of Juvelle. She seems to know about a lot of things (like the poisoning of the grandfather and all) but we don't really know how she knows ? So she does stuff without much explanation. Anyway, the child we barely saw in a flashback (? or maybe she already went back in time, idk) is someone from the family that are like descendants of angels, whatever. They have the duty to get rid of evil, so of course, she knows they will have to face each other. She acted like she was close to that child but we don't know much about it. He grew into a hot guy at least and is the ML.
Free in Dreams