Tsuki Hyouka's manga / #Divorce(3)

Remarried Empress

Ongoing | Alphatart , Sumpul | 2019 released

Waiting for more chapters https://mangadex.org/title/42780/remarried-empress https://www.novelupdates.com/series/remarried-empress/ tkor.city/재혼-황후 ch82 - translated- https://novelfull.com/index.php/remarried-empress.html?page=4&per-page=50 chapter 169

Promise Cinderella

Complete | tachibana oreco | 2019 released

Not a fan of the age gap, since he is quite immature and all, it doesn't help. At least in the drama he is 21,n ot 17. I don't see why the author didn't made him a college student instead. Wtv. Besides that, their relationship is cute I guess. Akira is a bitch and what where the chance of her being the homewrecker as well? I kind of saw it comig, but still. The world is small huh. Anyway, I prefer Seigo instead of Issei. Their teen romance when they were both 17 got me convinced that he was better for Hayame but oh well.