Once Again Idol
Survive Romance
I’m hoping that my one true love song rina won’t die. Like I new the moment she was shown even with her black layout and face covered she’d be a bada#s and at that moment idk man I just felt so inspired by her unique character. If no one wants her I’ll gladly welcome her with open arms, but I ship her with minwoo AND LIKE I HOPE THE DO END UP TOGTHER, I’ll be a huge plot twist ik looking forward to XD ALSO DAMN I WISH NO I HOPE MINWOO isn’t side character X like it won’t be a big surprise I already liked her with side character X I’ll be really disappointed if side character X is him. DAMN DAMN HOLD UP MINWOO JUST GOT BITTEN BY THOSE WEIRD MORPHING ZOMBIES DANG. I really hope that song rinas love can cure him but I won’t have to much hope cause it probably won’t happen AYO MY HOME GIRL SONG RINA IS BACK YALL DINT K NOW IM SINGING MUSIC HOLAOAKALALALALLALAUOLALAA AHHHH MY GIRL MC MNOW WHAT TK DO TO MAKE OUR BUFF QUEEN ON THEIR SIDE TO SAVE MY GIRM SONG RINAS PRINCE MINWOO AHHHHHHH
How to Get My Husband on My Side