The Twin Siblings’ New Life
Ekkk♡(> ਊ <)♡ this is so cute those twins are my everything now and those brothers too and not to mention all the guardian and male leads OI DONT FORGET ABOUT THE EMPEROR lol his handsome ekkk I can't help my self I just LOVVVVEEE this (灬º‿º灬)♡
I Raised the Beast Well
I just live for Blondia and the cat(wtf I forgot his name lol), ugh Mr. Cat is so handsome but my cats are cuter lol and I thought our mc gonna be cute and naive but lol I got ahead of my self she's someone deserve a respect she's not a princess but the queen (*^3^)/~♡
The beginning after the end
The story line is cool and the kid is so interesting and I love this manhwa I've read so far, however I do not like romance is an action manhwa I know it's cool but I only wish that they see him as a strong mage not a future husband but their cute so if I'm ready or I understand what it means to have a person you want to protect or love to give your live I will approve to this that is all ... I guess I might add some if I have so much opinion to say lol My words not enchanting like them but I am still practicing so bear with me ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
Miss Not-So Sidekick
UAHHHH(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) Their so adorable, so cute ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ it's a masterpiece I want more but it's already complete Latte is so cute she's so adorable and Arwin is just so gorgeous his beautiful how can a man be so beautiful than a girl. THEIR A PERFECT COUPLE I WANT TO SEE MORE OF THEIR STORY Oh it's good if you read this again in the future my past me (ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ this is one of my favorites now (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ Latte is just adorable and Arwin is beautiful no one beats this and oh the art is so beautiful ( ≧Д≦) I want to see their baby!!!!