Alcohol and Cigarettes and Kisses
Wish is was longer Part of:
Loved this! Was longer than expected but needed to be longer still
Ani no Koto ga Wakarimasen! 〘Official〙
Loved this
Non-Refundable Alpha
This needed to be longer!!!!!
This was cute but could've been better if it was longer so they could've had sexy scenes, better laid out the story flow and added a little more story as background or drama
Kojirasekun ha Fan de itai
The end was so random... Anyways... I didn't find their final sex scene satisfying at all... and now that I think about it I didn't like the realization of their feelings either... the only reason the 4 stars stay is because the sex scene when they were experimenting was one of the best I've seen ~18 pages of electronic limited bonus missing
Ichinose-kun wa Itsumo Iinari.
I wanted more sexy scenes
Remnant JUJIN Omegaverse