Koi ga Ochitara
What a healthy relationship!!! No drama or BS to hear of or speak of; the pacing was a bit rushed but the payoff was everything I hoped for! Let their relationship be strong and happy for a long long time
The Boss And His Secretary’s Special Relationship
Ah i see, so theyre both idiots; my favorite type of storyline. I just wish it was longer and more fleshed out. Oh well, it was a cute short story
High Pulse
Very cute but also very sporatic; im talking "8 chapters in 1 year" kinda slow. Check again in the fall lol
Replay (Tsukahara saki)
And this, ladies and germs, is how i died.... In all seriousness... ITS SOOO GOOODDDDDD!!!! I have such a soft spot for sport bl stories and this work was sooooo amazing and lovely and wholesome and spicy and it literally was just everything; im gonna come back every 4 weeks to reread
Mimasaka-kun to Mayoeru Kobuta
I enjoyed this sooo much more than the main story... uuuggghhhhhh the cinnamon roll must be protected at all times!!!
She is Also Cute Today
They're sooo cute!!!! I could read 1000+ chapters
Akai Ringo no Nakami Jijou
Soooo cuuutteee; i remember reading this before i had an account and now, its still just as good!! A+++ for communication between the mls (misunderstandings are resolved almost overnight); plus there was a very satisfying ending; lets hope theres an extra in the future!!
Ookami-sama no Koiwazurai
Kimi to no Dogfight
I love how straighforward and upfront haruno is about his feelings; its sooo refreshing!! He tells suzuki exactly whats on his mind and I absolutely support it 10000%. You tell suzuki that you shouldnt mess with people (even though ur the one he liked) and you tell him exactly why youre upset!! I love this open dialogue; except if haruno would just wait 2 seconds before running away so suzuki could explain himself. Ugh, these two are perfect for each other :,(
Koi ga Michitara