The twisted and deeply disturbing tale of a sociopathic serial killer...
Kokoro no Kanashimi
Rather more representative of the Nishioka siblings' writing style than Kami no Kodomo, this is a collection of one-shots that explore the thoughts and feelings of ordinary people in an odd, surrealistic manner replete with atypical and symbolic illustrations. More than one reading may be required if you are to completely grasp the core message behind each of these stories. The first story, A Broken Soul (translated here as A Broken Heart) was featured in the anthology Ax: Alternative Manga.
Boku Mushi
Collection of stories
Kono Yo no Owari e no Tabi
A man sets out on a journey to go away from his repetitive and boring life. He finds unbelievable things, terrible things. Note: This manga contains cannibalism.
Ookami Shoujo Laura
From Garo 1992-01.
Tokyo Ghoul
Strange murders are happening in Tokyo. Due to liquid evidence at the scene, the police conclude the attacks are the results of 'eater' type ghouls. College buddies Kaneki and Hide come up with the idea that ghouls are imitating humans so that's why they haven't ever seen one. Little did they know that their theory may very well become reality.
Veggie Channel
Vege is the owner of "Vegge Channel", a popular website where he hosts secret recordings of his male classmates in BL scenarios.Then a mysterious fan emails him saying they know the identity of Vege and asks to meet up. Curious and apprehensive, Vege goes to the meeting spot and sees the most popular guy in school and his classmate having sex. What is the relationship between those two? And who is the fan that knows Vege's true identity?
Hitori to Hitori no 3650nichi