In the midst of a blazing hot summer beset by water shortages, middle-school girl Chinami faints from heat exhaustion. Upon waking up, she finds herself in a mysterious town by a beautifully pristine river whose waters hide many secrets...
Eiyuu to Shounen
The Shop of Magician Sylvan
A slave boy is saved by a Magician. Tim, the slave has begun to fall in love with this amazing Magician.
Ameiro no Toge
The story of a quiet, sensitive high-school guy who enjoys painting, and his complicated feelings.
Hetalia dj - Shiki/Fuyu
Pairing: France x England
Adolte and Adarte
A full-color oneshot about two twins: one lives alone locked away in a tower and the other is a crown prince. What if they could trade places?
Nightmare Catalog
Ashley is a vampire who's been living an eternal life. In order to ease his loneliness, he starts traveling around the world to find a lover with his attendant doll, Noel… Its beautiful, delicate art adds charm to this sorrowful and serious story. Nevertheless, it somehow brings cynical laughter as well. Enjoy this dark (joke) fantasy!
Endou-kun No Jikken Note
Ikemen-kun to Saenai-kun
Kentarou is a plain, nondescript college student who has never had a girlfriend or any friends. After getting hit on the head by a wayward ball, he begins to notice that there are increasingly long periods of time in which he cannot remember what he was doing. One afternoon, he regains consciousness in an apartment he'd never being to before - and sitting next to him is a young man who then tells him "You're being possessed by the spirit of my dead girlfriend."
Yozora no Sumikko de