Kamisama to Tobenai Tsukai
Shin, born to a race of winged messengers, faces life as an outsider due to the tiny deformed wings on his back. Flightless, he endures ridicule and loneliness. His people tend to the needs of the Gods who reside in the same mountains, and unexpectedly, he is tasked with the care of the mysterious God residing at Mountain 32. A troubling future looms ahead as Gods and Messengers have begun to disappear without trace. What danger awaits Shin and his people, and the Gods they care for?
Hare to Mononoke
One who knows impurity and one who does not, and the fact that those two exist together...
Oni ga Shitau wa Tatarigami
Tsubakimaru is a human half demon, in the middle of a trip where he is a prisoner they enter a strange mountain where there are no animals and vegetation and there he meets the God Shii who carries a fearsome curse... <
Gods X Myself X Brides