Return of the Broken Constellation
MC: Lee Changseon 7-reminds me if ORV with all the “beings” watching the action 15-ORV parallels with the sponsor selection, and like Dokja, he chose none 30-that guy is more beautiful than some of the FLs in some romance manhwa I’ve read 36-oooh another pretty guy 38-dangggggg that’s cool 52-yesss girl Shin Eunseo 64-one horned tribe like second life ranker
My Guildmate Next Door
MC-Lee Yeowoon LI-Yoon Jigu 1-so they’re already comfy with each other alr 2-ooh and enemies to friends to lovers 4-first irl meeting even if they don’t know… 7-HIS NAME IS YOON JIGU 10-the irl messaging app literally says Jigu’s name 13-moving near your man 17-THEY ARE SO CLOSE LMAO but why is Jigu at a public place for gaming 21-we all knew our good guys would win 22-AHAHHAHA JIGU IS SO WEIRD I LOVE HIM 23-IRL INTERACTION HAHAHAHHA 24-so Jigu had an irl stalker…no wonder he’s paranoid; swimming buddies 26-DYING OMG HAHAHAHHAAH BEST CHAPTER; also how did Yeowoon not get the hint from Jigu about the master thing 28-IRL VC OMG ONE STEP CLOSER BUT THEY'RE TOO BLIND ANYWAYS; ANOTHER PROPOSAL HEHE 29-JIGU HAHAHAHAHA 30-JIGU DEFINITELY KNOWS HE HAS TO PLEASE; Yeowoon…please…; you got the same dessert he happened to give someone hmm; Ji9 had to pick up a shift at his job like Jigu hmmm; YOU COMMENTED ON HIS NAME BEING UNIQUE AND HE LITERALLY HAS HIS NAME AS JIGU FOR VC; also, I’m slow Jigu’s ign is literally Earth’s Star and his mom’s cafe is Cafe Earth where he’s basically a star from all the attention he gets 31-yeah Jigu thinking about the madeline thing, he’s definitely suspicious about everything, he gotta know 32-Yeowoon changing his appearance in gameeee 33-DOWN TO THE DANG TRACKSUIT HAHAHA JIGU FINALLY KNOWSSSSS 34-brother talks about Jigu’s gaming; Yeowoon checks message from gamer JIGU WHILE AT THE CAFE WHERE HE WAS LITERALLY TALKING TO NEIGHBOR JIGU I CANT ANYMORE; ULTRA MEGA BLUSH JIGU AHHHHHHHHHH 35-the nephew wants to hang with Yeowoon…time for bonding ehehehe; JIGU’S ALT LITERALLY HAS A MOLE UNDER THE SAME EYE HE DOES IRL 36-ahh bonding so cute; Jigu is a business major 37-ehehe Jigu sending Neuta a message while Yeowoon’s right there to see if it really is him… 38-JIGU VOICE CALLED YEOWOON JUST TO CALL HIM HYUNG AHHHHHHH 40-FLUSTERED BLUSHING JIGU BABY BECAUSE NEUTA SAID HIS NEIGHBOR IS GOOD LOOKING 41-JiStar confusing Neuta’s DM with irl hehe; Jigu’s stalker :( 42-go fevered Yeowoo! Protect Jigu from stalker! 43-AHHHHHH JIGU HELPS ILL YEOWOON; hopefully no misunderstandings with Jigu’s report card being in Yeonwoo’s possession; if Yeowoon thought for once, he’d put two and two together that he told JiStar he was ill and Jigu came to his door knowing he was ill 47-JiStar fights Sunset for making fun of Neuta’s character that looks like Jigu LOL; BLUSHY JIGU EHEHEHE 48-more blushy Jigu; he loves cats instant green flag 49-YEOWOON TOUCHED JIGUS HAND AND HE IMPLODED; the stalker shows up right where not just Jigu is, but both brothers OOF 50-frickin hell why can’t the panels be in the right order 57-AHAHAHAHAH JIGU’S SIDE OF THINGS LIKE FINDING OUT NEUTA’S IDENTITY 58-SPICE??? AH; JIGU HAD A WET DREAM 60-Jigu is misunderstanding… 61-friend was there for a solid minute and instantly knew what’s up 64-JIGU SNATCHED THE KITTY 67-Yeowoon finally realized the game character is just like Jigu 69-CHAPTER SIXTY NINE COMING IN CLUTCH WITH JIGUS DREAM OF ALMOST KISSING AHH 70-JIGU WANTS TO MEET YEOWOON IRL BUT DENIED NO; SUNSET AND MEOWIE START???? 71-JIGU GOING TO CHECK UP ON UPSET NEUTA 72-AHHHHHH A LITTLE MOVIE DATE; WAIT ONYL FOUR YEARS OLDER??????? 73-JIGU FRICKING KISSED YEOWOON AHHHHHHHHHH PASSING AWAY but Yeowoon left…? 74-JIGU UPGRADE FROM BODY SIT TO SWING TRUNKS AHAHA ABS FOR DAYS BRO; YEOWOON KNOW THEY KISSED 75-Yeowoon thinking about things; not not gay
How To Survive As A Player
10/16/24 MC: Do Sehyun LI: Luhak 4-WAIT WAIT WAIT ITS UNCENSORED??? 5-not uncensored :( 8-smut 13-glasses guy’s duke is interesting 14-Domination’s duke is psycho and now lowkey looks 12 15-OH HE WANTS TO GO ALL THE WAY 16-SMUT 22-I am confused so Ishis is both a young boy and an adult woman or smth; blue hair jealous :’( 24-I LOVE PAN 27-Jaeyoung in some kind of wolf beast form! 29-AHHH FROGGIE 32-his old name was Neluse 34-Ishis’s appearance depends on time of day 36-swim boy is afraid of water 37-engineering duke a little b 40-GREEN HAIR IS GORGEOUS 43-CUTE WHOLESOME FLUFF MOMENT 44-now hj and a bj 46-Ishis male formmmm; not sure if it’s just the situation but Ishis male form seems quieter and clingier 50-wait so is the answer different or DID he hear it wrong? 51-smut 52-smut and cuteness 55-knew the one guy was being controlled, save him 58-THEY RIPPED OFF SEHYUNS WING BUT LUHAK IS GONNA COMMIT MASS DEAD
I'm a Fake Saintess but the Gods are Obsessed