Pheromone Sherbet
Pls post more i missed this so much now some pls keep posting the stories:( ( edited: soo uplouders when is this still staying on haitus its been so long from november 2020
He + He
I cant decide i want him to be with the doctor since he felt happy and confortable , yet i want him to stay with that purple hair guy cause he was looking depressed as soon as we saw his friend and being a little anxious that he would leave him i know this is stupid but i think im gonna choose the purple hair guy even if she abused his lover ill wait till his friend and him gets along and love each other if that is possible
Your Dream Is Delicious
Some one please post the chapters i miss this T.T
Raiding the Vampire Count
Pls someone pic this up i miss this very much
Spear of Purgatorium Webtoon
Pls someone keep uploading this i want more this is too good to be dropped
Blind Spot Strategy
This is too cute im looking forward to the new up loader to do there best to keep up loading just dont rush we'll wait . CUTE YAOI ME WAIT MORE!︎
Royal Servant