summary to some chapters:
7-9 = chef 1st encounter to the beastman girl + 1st customer of chef in his restaurant
11-13 = chef stop two kids fighting, one of them is half-viet
14 = chef taste is back + chef decided to go to the beastman village
15-17 = chef cooks for the beastman village
18-19 = mysterious customer dine in the restaurant, turns out to be a famous painter
22 = somaek (beer + soju) introduced in robentus knight order
23 = chef and the kids go to seoul leaving teok in countryside
26-29 = chef go to tv cooking show
31-33 = painter and friend go to chef's restaurant + learned that the friend is a pianist that going to retire due to injury, chef use a fruit gifted by the beastmans to heal the pianist's hand
35-36 = chef's new spirit
41 = someone wants to sabotage chef's food but ricecake(dog) saves the day
45 = rice cake doppleganger
47 = chef meet rice cake's parents: also gifted chef a gift
Healing Life Through Camping In Another World