Bijo To Chinjuu
I have read this twice now and it's still great!! Even so that it ended I wish there was more of the story!!!!
Binan No Dendou
Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!! I want more there has to be more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Life With You
I am in LOVE with both Scientist Eric Stuart and the man who rescued him, Steve McDaniel. Not T'm not sure that there even need to be more to it, BUT if there was it would be well received and read not once, not twice, but over, and over, over, and over, over, and over, again.
Blue Sky Love
I hope there's more to come!!
Body Talk Paradox
I love them all and I have to say the tattoo artist Shidou is my fave out of all of the stories!!!
Hand Which
MMMM... Loved them all!!!!!
Update, UPdate, UPDate, *YELLS* UPDATE ALREADY!!!!
Okay I want more and I want it nOW!!!!!
Bara No Kaitou